eFlash! 2021-08
A Few Words from the CEC Vice-President
Canadian Electroacoustic Community
A sound network.
Dear CEC Members,
Hello! Another year at the CEC is coming to a close. It feels like at least two years since the last AGM. So much has happened and at the same time, so little. This past year and a half has felt both super busy and like wading through a quicksand of inactivity. Personally and professionally it has been a time of forced reflection and transformation. The CEC has also had the privilege of extended reflection due the pandemic and it is my hope that the CEC will emerge from this pandemic stronger, more resilient and more connected to the community it serves.
AGM — Annual General Meeting. The CEC AGM will be held on Thursday, 26 August 2021. All CEC members are invited to participate in and contribute to the discussion; Permanent, Honorary and Patron members whose membership dues are up-to-date may vote during the AGM. If you wish to upgrade your membership from Associate ($30 per year) to Permanent ($60) or have any questions about your membership status please contact the administration. Members are invited to consult the 2020–21 Financial Statement and the Minutes from the 2020 AGM prior to this year’s meeting.
JTTP 2021 — Jeu de temps / Times Play. I hope you got caught up on the exciting new developments in CEC Secretary Corina MacDonald’s eFlash! last month, but here is a reminder that this year’s results will be revealed during the upcoming AGM before being made public. Once again, the international jury has commended the large and strong batch of submissions. As part of the 22nd edition coordinated by the CEC, I am pleased to announce four wonderful new jury-nominated thematic awards:
- The Hildegard Westerkamp Award for soundscape and sound installation
- The Micheline Coulombe Saint-Marcoux Award for self-identified female or non-binary electroacoustic artists
- The Jean Piché Award for videomusic, new media and creative coding
- The Martin Gotfrit and Martin Bartlett Award for live electroacoustic practices
This new JTTP project component was initiated by CEC legal Founder Kevin Austin and is supported by generous donations from Kevin and Martin Gotfrit.
eContact! — Online Journal for Electroacoustic Practices. The theme of live coding is featured in issue 21.1, which is in the final stages of production and set to be released in the fall. It covers current and evolving live coding and laptop ensemble practices in sound, music and dance. It also includes discussions of evolution over past decade. We are excited to have this collection of perspectives on this constantly evolving field of practices in the journal.

Sonus — Online Mediatheque for Electroacoustic Works. Some of you already have works in Sonus, and if you haven’t already done so, we invite you to create an artist profile in order to update your information to make use of several new fields that were integrated during the recent upgrade. For those who aren’t aware, Sonus is an online mediatheque — the largest freely available EA media library in the world! — with an open call to Canadian and international electroacoustic artists to submit their works for inclusion. Advocating the widest possible interpretation of the umbrella term “electroacoustic”, the CEC understands this field of creative activity to encompass a divergent range of studio and live practices, from acousmatic and musique concrète to circuit bending and hardware hacking to sound art and videomusic and beyond. 1[1. See the CEC’s “About” page for a more exhaustive list.]
I hope to see your virtual faces at the upcoming AGM and either way wish you all the best as we begin to ease out of this pandemic.
Electroacoustically yours,
Carey Dodge
Vice-President of the CEC
4 August 2021
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