Membership in the CEC
Online payment — For membership online payment (with a credit card or Paypal), please visit this page and select the appropriate membership type (indicate the year being paid in the comments box).
Mail a payment — To mail a payment, make the cheque or international money order payable to the Canadian Electroacoustic Community, and mail it to the following address:
3705, rue Drolet
Montréal, QC
H2X 3H7 Canada
About CEC Membership
What is the Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC)?
The CEC is Canada’s national association for electroacoustics (electronic / computer music; sonic art; etc.).
Among the objectives, as written in the Bylaws of the corporation, are the [art. d] support, development, production, distribution of information, materials, works... [art. a] for the ea/cm community in Canada... with continuing special concern for the younger generation of individuals and women in this community [art. k]. The complete CEC bylaws can be found here.
Who are the CEC’s members?
The CEC’s membership is a diverse mixture of individuals, groups, organisations and institutions from across Canada and from around the world. The individual members are established and emerging artists from across the entire spectrum of electroacoustic practice: acousmatic, electronic music, soundscape, sound art, laptop, installations and more.
What does a CEC membership offer?
Membership fees contribute in part to maintaining the various projects that the CEC undertakes. All active CEC members:
- receive a copy of all CEC publications;
- benefit from advantageous rates for participation in projects such as the PRESENCE and DISContact! CD series;
- receive updates on CEC activities via an electronic newsletter, eFlash!;
- support the CEC’s various projects and thereby its mandate and objectives;
- contribute to the promotion of Canadian electroacoustics on the national and international scene.
Permanent, Honorary and Patron Members may vote at meetings and in elections.
You can use this form for CEC membership
What does the CEC “do”?
The CEC has a number of ongoing projects which are closely interconnected, each feeding into and providing materials to the other. An overview of the various projects follows. For more information it is best of course to visit the CEC site directly.
The CEC’s quarterly online journal addresses a variety of themes related to electroacoustics. eContact! features articles, reviews, commentaries, and sound, and is recognized in the international community as an important electroacoustic resource. All issues of eContact! are freely available to the public.
JTTP — Jeu de temps / Times Play
The CEC’s annual JTTP project comprises a competition for Canadian-based young and emerging sound artists, a focus issue of eContact! featuring all submissions for the project, and a CD compilation Cache of the top 8–11 placing works, as well as radio and concert play for the winners.
The CEC’s online electroacoustic “Jukebox”, now holds nearly 3000 works (December 2013)! Works having as diverse a character as the field of electroacoustics itself are found in SONUS: established composers, young and emerging composers, experimental works, soundscape and acoustic ecology and much more are featured.
CDs — PRESENCE / DISContact! / Cache
The CEC’s compilation CD series, PRESENCE, DISContact! and Cache, are an ideal way for electroacoustic composers to get their work heard in a variety of contexts, as the CDs are distributed internationally to individuals, radio stations and personalities, and professional organizations involved in the promotion of electroacoustics in its multifarious forms.
All of these CDs are available through empreintes DIGITALes (Montréal).
Conferences, Symposia…
The CEC also has a history of providing infrastructural support to the organization of conferences, festivals and more.
How does membership work, and what does it cost?
The CEC’s fiscal year runs from June 1 to May 31. Membership is automatically renewed each year. Notice of payment due is sent at the beginning of each fiscal year for the upcoming year.
Associate Membership is $30/yr, Permanent (Full) and Institutional Memberships are $60/yr (all amounts in Canadian Dollars). Current exchange rates can be found on
Permanent, Honorary and Patron Members may vote at meetings and in elections. A description of the different membership types is found on the CEC Bylaws page (§2).
To become a member of the CEC, simply fill out the Membership Application Form, and follow the payment instructions.
We look forward to having you as a CEC member!
Kindest regards,
jef chippewa and Yves Gigon,
Administrative Directors of the CEC
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