eFlash! 2021-02
The CEC’s Strategic Plan for 2020–2024
Canadian Electroacoustic Community
A sound network.
Dear CEC members,
I am very pleased to inform you of the outcome of a months-long, intensive period of reflection and discussion undertaken by the CEC’s Board of Directors. In 2020, the Board, with the Assistance of its Administrative Team, undertook for the first time the sizeable task of drafting and setting in motion an action-based Strategic Plan for the organization. The CEC’s Strategic Plan for 2020–2024 is meant to clarify, realign and reinforce the core values of the association.
As part of the exercise of formulating the plan, Mission, Vision and Value Statements have been drafted that articulate and strengthen the organization’s commitment to the interests and needs of the CEC’s members and the Canadian electroacoustic milieu.
Six Strategic Orientations — Stimulate, Advocate, Grow, Listen, Sustain and Devenir — have been composed that will not only help the CEC to achieve its Mission and Vision, but also guide the planning and implementation of its future goals.
The CEC’s direction through 2024 is driven and assisted by a series of initiatives to enhance existing activities and develop new ones. These Operating Plans comprise a Strategy for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, enhanced AGMs, nationwide outreach, and expanding and celebrating JTTP.
Additionally, the CEC’s About page has been updated, clarified and improved, notably in terms of the breadth of the field of creative activity the CEC can be expected to support.

The current Strategic Plan holds the potential to forge a new dynamic at the core of the CEC. I am therefore extremely enthusiastic about adopting it as a reference as we — the Board and the Administration — act on your behalf, and on that of the wider electroacoustic community in Canada, to fine-tune and enhance the organization’s existing activities, define new mid-term goals and reflect on directions to take in the coming four years.
With my warmest regards,
Myriam Boucher
President of the CEC Board of Directors
28 February 2021
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