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Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium 2012

Detailled Symposium Schedule

A co-presentation of the Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC) and New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA), the 6th Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium (TES) was held in parallel with the 14th edition of Sound Travels, NAISA’s annual Festival of Sound Art. The Keynote Speaker for TES 2012 was Trevor Wishart.

TES 2012
15–18 August 2012
Artscape Wychwood Barns
601 Christie Street, Toronto ON

Call for Submissions
Schedule Summary | Organisation
Detailled Symposium Schedule
Abstracts + Bios | Programme Notes + Bios
2-page printable event / info summary (PDF)

Opening — Wednesday, August 15

18:00–20:00 • Reception and Registration

NB: Sound Travels Installations are also open during this time.

20:00–22:00 • Symposium Concert #1

Kerry Hagan — Morphons and Bions (2011)
Ethan Hayden — bats with baby faces in the violet light (2011)
Yota Kobayashi — Shikisou (2012)
Donna Hewitt — One (2012)
Ed Wright — Crosswire (2010)
Andrew Connor — Study No. 3: Foghorn Abstraction (2011)

See the programme notes for details.

DAY 1 — Thursday, August 16th

09:30–10:00 • Opening Remarks

TES Chair Emilie LeBel and David Ogborn (outgoing Chair) team up to open the 2012 Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium.

10:00–11:30 • Paper Session #1: Live Practice and Global Perspectives

Session Chair: Steven Naylor. Click on an article title to read the abstract.

Electro-Instrumental Performance and Indonesian Musical Traditions: Moving Beyond Sonic Tourism
by Lawton Hall

Warring with the Screen: Real-time visual live coding strategy and technique
by Nicolas Hesler

Creating a Scalable Laptop Composition for Multiple Formats
by Ian Jarvis

11:45–12:30 • Listening Session #1

Diego Garro — Más Claro (in 7 movements) [2012]
Adam Basanta — Three Myths of Liberalism (2012)
Adam Vidiksis — Mitochondrial Dreams (2011)

See the programme notes for details.

14:00–15:30 • Paper Session #2: Process, Practice and Collaboration

Session Chair: Mitch Renaud. Click on an article title to read the abstract.

Under Living Skies: Exploring aural character through creative practice
by Eric Powell

Composing “On faith, work, leisure & sleep”
by Emilie LeBel

Musicians at Play: Collaboration between performers and composers in the creation of mixed electroacoustic music
by Terri Hron

15:45–17:15 • Paper Session #3: Research Frontiers

Session Chair: Kevin Austin. Click on an article title to read the abstract.

Tracing Conceptual Structures in Listener Response Studies
by Adam Basanta

Scalable, Collective Traditions of Electronic Sound Performance: A Progress Report
by David Ogborn, Nicolas Hesler, Aaron Hutchinson, Ian Jarvis and Amy McIntosh

New Tools for Sound Spatialisation Developed at Université de Montréal
by Robert Normandeau

20:00–22:00 • Symposium Concert #2

Mitch Renaud — Uses and Disadvantages of Living Among Specters (for/on G.A.) [2012]
Theo Mathien — A Trace of Finches (2011)
Michael Pounds — Opening (2012)
Joshua Keeling — Draconids (2011)

MiND —MiND Live: Live Coding Audiovisuals (Meaghan Niewland, Ian Jarvis, Nicolas Hesler, Dwayne Ali and David Ogborn)

Steve Everett — First Life: Imagining the Chemical Origins of Life (2012)
Sean Peuquet — Windows Left Open (2011)

See the programme notes for details.

DAY 2 — Friday, August 17th

09:30–11:00 • Keynote Address

Approaches to the Voice in Electroacoustic Music
by Trevor Wishart

11:30–12:30 • Listening Session #2

Chin Ting Chan — Katachi I (2011)
Steve Whalley — Cloud Eater (2012)
Andrew Babcock — Reconstruction (2011)
Andrew Dolphin — Mint Cascade (2010)

See the programme notes for details.

14:00–15:00 • Paper Session #4: Theoretical Perspectives

Session Chair: Ian Jarvis. Click on an article title to read the abstract.

Futurity of Posthuman Thinking Machines
by Mitch Renaud

Diegesis as a Semantic Paradigm for Electronic Music
by Anil Çamci

15:00–15:45 • Listening Session #3

Ryo Ikeshiro — Construction in Zhuangzi (2011)
Nimalan Yoganathan — Unseen Songlines (2012)

See the programme notes for details.

16:00–17:30 • Paper Session #5: Approaches to Real-Time, Interactive and Intermedia Work

Session Chair: Emilie LeBel. Click on an article title to read the abstract.

Choreographic Approaches to Music Composition and Performance with a Gestural Interface Called the eMic
by Donna Hewitt

PulseCubes: An Interactive sound installation as interface and new media object
by Ryo Ikeshiro

Sonifying Chemical Evolution: Sonification techniques in the creation of “First Life,” a mixed media performance
by Steve Everett

20:00–22:00 • Sound Travels Concert: Flocking

With Terri Hron, Emilie LeBel, Robert Normandeau, Paula Matthusen, Trevor Wishart, Paul Dutton and Tomás Henriques.

Theatre Direct’s Wychwood Theatre, 601 Christie St. #176
$15 / $10 / free to symposium participants

Flocking features performances by recorder player and composer Terri Horn who will present a work of her own plus perform works composed by LeBel, Normandeau and Matthusen. Also included will be a performance by Tomás Henriques of his piece Duality with Henriques’ unique instrument, the Double-slide Controller. Closing the concert will be a duet sound singing improvisation by Toronto’s original sound singing legend Paul Dutton and Sound Travels 2012’s Guest Artist, Trevor Wishart.

See the programme notes for details.

DAY 3 — Saturday, August 18th

09:30–11:30 • Paper Session #6: Creative Practice

Session Chair: Eric Powell. Click on an article title to read the abstract.

A Particle System for Musical Composition
by Bruno Degazio

Toward “Compositional Reflection”
by Matthew Warne

Between the Two: A Re-address of the listener in situated musical practice
by Sean Peuquet

Information Asphyxiation: Procrastination, distraction and the digital artist
by Steven Naylor

11:45–12:30 • Listening Session #4

Gordon Delap — Sympathetic Magic
Tom Williams — Wire and Wind (2012)
Lee Fraser — Aerial Vapours (2011)
Anıl Çamcı — Birdfish (2012)

See the programme notes for details.

14:00–16:00 • 2nd Special Session on Participatory Electronic Ensemble Performance (PEEP)

Session Chair: David Ogborn

With Tanya Goncalves, Nicolas Hesler, Aaron Hutchinson, Ian Jarvis, Alyssa Lai, Dima Matar, Amy McIntosh, Luke Meneok, Charles Morton, David Ogborn, Kearon Roy Taylor and others.

16:00–16:30 • Listening Session #5 — MiND

Five Actions: Collaborative Videomusique

With Dwayne Ali, Nicolas Hesler, Ian Jarvis, Meaghan Niewland and David Ogborn.

See the programme notes for details.

16:30–17:30 • Closing Discussion and CEC Annual General Meeting

NB: CEC Members and anyone interested in knowing more about the CEC activities are very welcome to join the meeting.

20:00–22:00 • Sound Travels Concert: Encounters

Canadian premiere of Trevor Wishart’s Encounters in the Republic of Heaven.

Theatre Direct’s Wychwood Theatre, 601 Christie St. #176
$15 / $10 / free to symposium participants

See the programme notes for details.

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