eFlash! 2019-10
A Few Words from the President of the CEC
Hello everyone,
I am very pleased to write to you as the new president of the CEC’s Board of Directors. First off, I would like to warmly thank the outgoing president, Eldad Tsabary, for his precious devotion. Throughout the past six years (2013–19) of his dedicated involvement, the CEC has continued to open itself up to young artists, to a diversity of practices and to the community. Many thanks to Eldad and to all the members of the Board for the confidence they have shown in electing me to the position of President. I am honoured and very enthusiastic to be working with you. I would also like to thank the administrators, jef chippewa and Yves Gigon, who work hard to ensure the maintenance and development of the CEC: we are extremely grateful for their indispensable contributions.
We start the season with several activities that involve the members of the community, because you are at the heart of the CEC. Your passions, talent and commitment are what form the living collective that impacts the national as well as international scene.
An overview of recent and upcoming activities follows.
JTTP 2019 — Results
Jeu de temps / Times Play (JTTP) celebrates its 20th edition in 2019. This annual competition, which serves to support and reward the creation of new works by electroacoustic artists from or living in Canada and remains a real stepping stone for the winners. We received a collection of works that were of a remarkable quality once again this year. Congratulations to the six composers who have earned their place in the top five (there is a tie for 5th place this year):
- Nicola Giannini — Eyes Draw Circle of Light (2019 / 9:18)
- Roger Tellier-Craig — Nulle part à trouver (2019 / 17:39)
- Léa Boudreau — Quatre machines pour sauver le monde (2019 / 12:20)
- Valentin Stip — 1109 (2018 / 8:06)
- (ex æquo) Diego Bermudez Chamberland — Buscando la luz (2018 / 10:09)
- (ex æquo) Benjamin Duplantie Grenier — Terre (2019 / 8:00)
You will find all 31 submissions (including the winning works) on the JTTP 2019 pages, where you can listen to the works, read programme notes and artist biographies, and stay informed about events related to the project.
This year’s 1st prize work, Nicola Giannini’s Eyes Draw Circles of Light, was presented in the Akousma festival on October 24. The programme also included works by Christian Bouchard (QC), Bérangère Maximin (FR), Dominic Jasmin (CA) and Richard Devine (US). It was a wonderful evening, and we would like to thank Akousma, Réjean Beaucage and Louis Dufort for their ongoing support of JTTP, by programming the 1st Prize work at each new edition!
A number of other concerts and radio broadcasts featuring JTTP 2019 works will take place now through April 2020. Keep yourself about these activities by visiting the Events page.
eContact! — Online Journal for Electroacoustic Practices
The CEC’s online journal eContact! remains an important reference in the international electroacoustic milieu. Issue 20.3, on “Media-Specific Music,” is in the final stages of production and will be released very soon. The following issue will take a look at the practices of Live Coding and Laptop Orchestras / Ensembles. We will be accepting your contributions to eContact! 21.1 through 31 January 2020. 1[1. Please consult the “Call for Contributions” page on the econtact.ca site for more information.]
SONUS — 2019 Upgrade
As I mentioned in my President’s Report at the last AGM, the Canada Council for the Arts has awarded $19,000 (Sector Innovation and Development) for this second stage 2[2. Following up on major revisions in 2017–18, realized with the support of the SOCAN Foundation.] of upgrades and development for Sonus, the online media library launched by the CEC in 2003. Among the changes to note in the most recent update are:
- The addition of new menus giving access to information about the history of the project, as well as the team members and the Terms of Agreement;
- Improvements to the submission form;
- A new “Spotlight” space (top section of the splash page) where artists or projects are featured for a specific period of time;
- The possibility to propose modifications to your profile (biography, programme notes, photo) or request that a work be removed;
- The implementation of metadata, which improves the discoverability of Artists and Works in search engine results;
- The media player now uses html5 (no more “Flash” on the site).
Yves Gigon continues to do an amazing job for this online jukebox, which remains freely accessible and now holds nearly 3000 works by over 1000 artists from the electroacoustic community. We are also very pleased to acknowledge Diffusion i média’s contributions to this project in terms of programming and consultation.
If you have not done so already, I invite you to register (it’s free) and to submit your own works. And, of course, stay tuned for further updates on other improvements currently in progress…
Annual General Meeting — Minutes

Finally, a quick reminder that the minutes from the 2019 AGM were published online in the previous edition of eFlash! (August 2019). There you will find not only the Agenda, but also the President’s Report, the Treasurer’s Report, information about the new paradigm for the publication of this bulletin, destined for CEC members, and an overview of the tasks involved in the Sonus 2019 upgrade, as well as the announcement of our newest Honorary Member, Barry Truax.
Kind regards,
Myriam Boucher
President of the CEC
28 October 2019
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