eFlash! 2019-08
2019 AGM — Annual General Meeting / AGA 2019 — Assemblée générale annuelle
Minutes of the 2019 AGM / Procès-verbal de l’AGA 2019
Tuesday / mardi, 27 August 2019, 12h00–13h00
(09h00 Vancouver = 12h00 Montréal = 17h00 London = 18h00 Berlin)
Concordia University Department of Music
MB Building: 1450 Guy Street, 8th floor, room 245
Montréal QC, H3H 0A1
Documents provided to those present at the CEC’s 2019 AGM (the proposed Agenda, the Minutes from the 2018 AGM and the CEC’s 2018–19 Financial Report) are available here in PDF.
The audio recording of the 2019 AGM is available here in MP3 format.

Present in person at the CEC’s 2019 AGM were:
CEC President Myriam Boucher (MB), Secretary Corina MacDonald (CM), Treasurer Shawn Pinchbeck (SP, via Skype), Board members Eldad Tsabary (ET) and Julie Matson (JM), CEC Admin Yves Gigon (YG) and jef chippewa (JC, via Skype), CEC Members Mark Corwin (MC) and Jean-François Denis (JFD), and five of the six JTTP 2019 winners: Léa Boudreau (LB), Diego Bermudez Chamberland (DBC), Benjamin Duplantie Grenier (BDG), Nicola Giannini (NG) and Roger Tellier-Craig (RTC).
The meeting began at 12:11 on Tuesday, 27 August 2019. Outgoing CEC President Eldad Tsabary chaired the meeting. CEC Secretary Corina MacDonald acted as Minutes-Taker for the meeting.
Agenda / Ordre du jour
- Adoption of the Agenda / Approbation de l’ordre du jour
ET presented the Agenda. JFD moved to accept the Agenda as is; JM seconded. The Agenda of the CEC’s 2019 AGM was adopted by general consent.
- Adoption of the Minutes of the Previous AGM / Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière AGA
The minutes of the 2018 AGM were read by all present. YG moved to accept the Minutes of the 2018 AGM; JM seconded. The Minutes of the CEC’s 2018 AGM were adopted by general consent.
- Business Arising from the Minutes of the Previous AGM / Sujets touchant le procès-verbal de la dernière AGA
There was no business arising from the Minutes of the 2018 AGM.
- President’s Report / Rapport du Président
Incoming President Myriam Boucher presented her President’s Report, in which she presented the new CEC Board of Directors and updates on the CEC’s three principal ongoing and recurring annual activities: eContact!, Jeu de temps / Times Play (JTTP) and Sonus. She also announced the six JTTP 2019 winners, five of whom were present at the AGM and were greeted by congratulatory rounds of applause. JM moved to accept the President’s Report; MC seconded. The President’s Report was adopted by general consent.
- Reports from the Board / Rapports du Conseil d’Administration
SP presented the Treasurer’s Report, in which he provided information about the CEC’s financial situation and about grants received from the SOCAN Foundation and Canada Council for the Arts, as well as in-progress and upcoming grant applications to be made by the association. JM moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report; YG seconded. The Treasurer’s Report was adopted by general consent.
JM requested official recognition of the CEC’s employees Yves Gigon and jef chippewa for their work in ensuring the continued survival of the association, and offered un grand remerciementto them; JFD seconded, and the applause of all present reflected the great and general appreciation of their contributions.
CM presented a brief report on the new paradigm for the publication of eFlash!, the Newsletter for CEC members. As of the 2019–20 year the Board will strive to maintain closer contact with the CEC membership by publishing six issues of eFlash! per year, in two-month intervals.
- Other Business / Autres
New Honorary Member. JM informed the membership that Barry Truax has been invited to by the Board to be an Honorary Member of the CEC, which Barry gladly accepted. A hearty round of applause welcomed Barry as the CEC’s newest Honorary Member.
Sonus Upgrades. YG gave a brief overview of the developments of the second stage of improvements to Sonus, supported by a major Canada Council Sector Innovation and Development grant. 1[1. See a more detailed report on the Sonus Upgrade 2019.] MB asked about the video capability of Sonus; YG clarified that Sonus has no video playback capability — at present. ET noted that multi-channel works are downloadable only, cannot be streamed; YG explained that the CEC pays SOCAN licencing fees to Sonus for streaming, and that the downloadable files are a different protocol.
- Adjournment / Levée de l’assemblée
The Chair of the CEC’s 2019 AGM suggested to adjourn; YG moved to adjourn the meeting; JM seconded. The CEC’s 2019 AGM was consensually adjourned at 12:46 on Tuesday, 27 August 2019.
Minutes for the CEC’s 2019 AGM submitted by Corina MacDonald on Thursday, 29 August 2019.
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