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eFlash! 2023-10

A Few Words from the CEC President

Canadian Electroacoustic Community
A sound network.

Dear CEC members,

Autumn is now firmly upon us, and the CEC is looking forward to a year of terrific activities. To begin with, there have been some changes to the Board of Directors.

We say goodbye and many, many thanks to outgoing President, Myriam Boucher, who has done a wonderful job of piloting the ship these past four years! In addition, Corina MacDonald is stepping down as Secretary, so many thanks also to Corina for all her hard work, as well as to outgoing board members Terri Hron and Sarah Harris — many thanks to you both for all your contributions!

This means we now have some new board members, as well as some changes in roles. Welcome to our new board members: Simon Chioini, Étienne Mason and Rick Nance; and a special welcome to Pauline Patie, who will be serving as Secretary moving forward. In addition, with Myriam’s departure, James Andean (that’s me!) will now be serving as president, with Carey Dodge taking on the role of Vice-President.

The CEC’s Board of Directors for 2023–24 is as follows:

Results of JTTP 2023. Next, congratulations to all of this year’s JTTP winners! There were lots of fantastic works submitted, so it’s a thrill to see the project continue to thrive. This year’s winners were:


  1. Julie Delisle — Pipa aura Suichi (2023 / 11:03)
  2. Jules Bastin-Fontaine — Composition acousmatique 1 (2023 / 24:48)
  3. Émile Gingras & José-Gabriel Bazán-Gauthier — Fumigènes (2023 / 16:05)
  4. Parisa Sabet Sarvestani — Silent (2022 / 8:00)
  5. Mimi Allard — Fleur de papier fleur de métal (2023 / 6:21)


Congratulations to all, and we’re looking forward to another great batch in 2024!

eContact! The CEC’s long-running eContact! journal currently has two issues in production for 2023–24 publication: 22.1 — Sound Art and 22.2 — Alternat(iv)e Form(at)s for Electroacoustic Practices. In addition, the call is open for issue 23.1, on the theme of Sound Installation, with a submission deadline of 1 April 2024. Visit the Call for Contributions page for more info.

Recent and Upcoming Activities. For details on any of the above and our other upcoming activities — including the final stretch of the CEC’s 2020–2024 Strategic Plan and the preparation of a new four-year Strategic Plan — please see the President’s Report from the CEC’s most recent AGM.

CEC President James Andean at Leicester Gallery, De Montfort University in Leicester (UK) on 27 February 2019. Image © Simon Atkinson, 2019 [Click image to enlarge]

Membership Payments. As always, annual membership payments were due on June 1st. These are very important as they provide funding for the CEC’s activities, including JTTP and all of our work to support and promote the work of Canada’s electroacoustic community. Contact jef (administration) if you have any questions concerning the status of your membership.

Finally, on a personal note, it is an honour to be involved in helping take the CEC forward into the future, standing tall on the foundations of its many outstanding and ongoing projects. Stay tuned for more great things to come, and in the meantime, happy listening!

James Andean
President of the CEC
31 October 2023

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