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eFlash! 2022-09

2022 AGM — Annual General Meeting / AGA 2022 — Assemblée générale annuelle

Minutes of the 2022 AGM / Procès-verbal de l’AGA 2022

Monday, 19 September 2022, 15:30–16:15 EDT
(12:30 Vancouver = 15:30 Montréal = 20:30 London = 21:30 Berlin)

Screenshot of the attendees of the CEC’s 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 19 September 2022. Left to right, top to bottom: Darsha Hewitt, Yves Gigon, Corina MacDonald, Myriam Boucher, Terri Hron, Jérémie Martineau, Teresa Connors, Diego Bermudez Chamberland, jef chippewa, Shelly Knotts, Shawn Pinchbeck, James Andean, Steven Webb, Elliot Yair Hernández López, Matías Sánchez Greco, Mynah Marie, Juan Cáceres Avitia, Melandri Laubscher. [Click image to enlarge]

[EN] Due to the ongoing uncertainties related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the CEC’s 2022 AGM was held with only a handful of people physically present in the “tech hub” from which the AGM was webcast. /
[FR] En raison des incertitudes persistantes liées à la pandémie de Covid-19, l’AGA 2022 de la CEC s’est tenue avec seulement une poignée de personnes physiquement présentes dans le « hub technologique » duquel la vidéoconférence de l’AGA a été coordonnée.

Documents provided to those present at the CEC’s 2022 AGM (the proposed Agenda, the Minutes from the 2021 AGM and the CEC’s 2021–22 Financial Report) are available here in PDF.

The video recording of the 2022 AGM can be viewed below (Video 1) and is available on the CEC’s YouTube channel.

The CEC’s 2022 AGM was held via Zoom (video conferencing software), hosted by Board member Myriam Boucher. Present (in-person and online) for the CEC’s 2022 AGM were:

  • Current, incoming and outgoing CEC Board members: James Andean (JA, Leicester, UK), Myriam Boucher (MB, in the hub), Teresa Connors (TC, in the hub), Darsha Hewitt (DH, Montréal), Terri Hron (TH, in the hub), Corina MacDonald (CM, Montréal) and Shawn Pinchbeck (SP, Edmonton).
  • CEC Admin: Yves Gigon (YG, Montréal) and jef chippewa (JC, Zurich, Switzerland).
  • JTTP 2022 prizewinners and thematic award recipients from Canada and Latin America: Diego Bermudez Chamberland (DBC, Montréal), Jérémie Martineau (JM, in the hub) and Steven Webb (SW, Toronto), as well as Juan Cáceres Avitia (JCA, Mexico City) and Elliot Yair Hernández López (EYHL, Xalapa, Mexico).
  • Networked live coding performers: Shelly Knotts (Newcastle, UK), Melandri Laubscher (Cape Town, South Africa), Mynah Marie (Lisbon, Portugal) and Kate Sicchio (Richmond VA, USA).

The meeting began at 15:30 EDT on Monday, 19 September 2022. CEC President Myriam Boucher chaired the meeting. CEC Secretary Corina MacDonald acted as Minutes-Taker for the meeting.

Live Coding Performance

Starting in 2022, the CEC’s Annual General Meetings are “enhanced” with an artistic activity such as a performance or workshop that takes place in parallel to the proceedings. Shelly Knotts (UK), Melandri Laubscher (ZA), Mynah Marie (PT) and Kate Sicchio (US) gave a networked live coding performance in parallel to this year’s AGM. They began some 15 minutes prior to the actual AGM (Video 1, from 0:00 to 11:25), remained present as background to the proceedings and continued performing for another 13 minutes after the adjournment of the AGM (from 53:35 to 1:06:50.).

Video 1 (1:06:50). Video documentation of the CEC’s 2022 AGM, with live coding performances bookending the proceedings. Performers: Shelly Knotts, Melandri Laubscher, Mynah Marie and Kate Sicchio.

Agenda / Ordre du jour

Timings in the numbered agenda items refer to their position in the video documentation of the AGM (Video 1).

  1. [16:43] Adoption of the Agenda / Adoption de l’ordre du jour

MB presented the Agenda.

The Agenda of the CEC’s 2022 AGM was adopted by general consent.

  1. [18:20] Minutes of the Previous AGM / Adoption du procès-verbal de la dernière AGA

The minutes of the 2021 AGM were read by all present.

CM moved to accept the Minutes of the 2021 AGM; YG seconded. The Minutes of the CEC’s 2021 AGM were adopted by general consent.

  1. [21:15] Business Arising from the Minutes of the Previous AGM / Sujets touchant le procès-verbal de la dernière AGA

There was no business arising from the Minutes of the 2021 AGM.

  1. [22:00] Board of Directors for 2022–23 / Conseil d’administration pour 2022–2023

President Myriam Boucher presented the proposed makeup of the CEC Board of Directors for the 2022–23 fiscal year, as per the annual Board nominations procedure that took place in spring 2022, for approval by the membership (two-year Board terms are indicated in parentheses):

TC moved to accept the Board as presented; YG seconded. The CEC’s Board of Directors for 2022–23 was adopted as proposed by general consent.

  1. [23:45] President’s Report / Rapport de la présidente

MB presented her President’s Report 1[1. Read the text here, or watch the report in the video documentation of the AGM.], in which she gave updates on the CEC’s three principal ongoing and recurring annual activities: Jeu de temps / Times Play (JTTP), Sonus and eContact!, as well as the CEC’s 2020–2024 Strategic Plan. She also announced the JTTP 2022 winners and thematic award recipients, six of whom were present at the AGM and were greeted by congratulatory rounds of applause.

SP moved to accept the President’s Report as presented; JA seconded. The President’s Report was adopted by general consent.

  1. [40:30] Treasurer’s Report / Rapport du trésorier

SP presented his Treasurer’s Report 2[2. Read the text here, or watch the report in the video documentation of the AGM.], in which he provided information about the CEC’s financial situation and about grant applications made to the SOCAN Foundation and Canada Council for the Arts, as well as upcoming grant applications to be made by the association.

JA moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented; TH seconded. The Treasurer’s Report was adopted by general consent.

  1. [47:35] Other Reports from the Board and Administration / Autres rapports du conseil d’administration

There were no other reports.

  1. Other Business / Autres points

DH remarked on the positive outlook for the CEC: despite the difficulties raised by the pandemic and an unsuccessful CCA grant application there is much to celebrate.

  1. [51:35] Adjournment / Levée de l’assemblée

The Chair of the CEC’s 2022 AGM suggested to adjourn; YG moved to adjourn the meeting; SP seconded. The CEC’s 2022 AGM was consensually adjourned at 16:45 on Monday, 19 September 2022.

Minutes for the CEC’s 2022 AGM were submitted by CEC Secretary Corina MacDonald on Monday, 19 September 2022.

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