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eFlash! 2012-09

2012 AGM — Annual General Meeting /
AGA 2012 — Assemblée générale annuelle

Saturday, 18 August 2012, 16h30–17h30
Christie Studio: 601 Christie Street, Toronto
By tram: 512 — St Clair Ave. W. at Christie St. Farside
By bus: 126 — Christie St. at Benson Ave.

Documents provided to those present at the 2012 AGM (the proposed Agenda, the Minutes from the 2011 AGM and the CEC’s 2011–12 Financial Reports) are available here in PDF.

The audio recording of the 2012 AGM is available here in MP3 format.

Minutes of the 2012 AGM / AGA 2012

Present in person at the 2012 AGM were CEC President David Ogborn (DO), as well as CEC members Kevin Austin (KA), Darren Copeland (DC), Richard Henninger (RH), Emilie LeBel (EB), Michael Palumbo (MP), Sarah Peebles (SP) and Nadene Thériault-Copeland (NTC). CEC Administrative co-Director jef chippewa (JC) listened/participated via Skype.

The meeting began at 17:05, Saturday, 18 August 2012. Kevin Austin presided over the meeting. CEC Administrative co-Director jef chippewa acted as Secretary for the meeting.

Ordre du jour / Agenda

  1. Adoption of the agenda / Approbation de l’ordre du jour

KA reads the Agenda and requests a motion to adopt the Agenda. The Agenda is adopted by consensus.

  1. Adoption of the minutes of the previous AGM / Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière AGA

The Minutes in the documentation are presented. KA moves to adopt the Minutes. The Minutes were adopted by consensus.

  1. Business arising from the minutes of the previous AGM / Sujets touchant le procès-verbal de la dernière AGA

There were no items arising from the Minutes of the 2011 AGM.

  1. President’s Report / Rapport du Président

DO gives a summary of his President’s Report [full text] to those present, and also mentions that the current year (2012–13) will be his last year as President.

KA moves to accept the President’s Report. The President’s Report was adopted by consensus.

  1. Reports from the Board / Rapports du Conseil d’Administration

Kevin Austin reads the Treasurer’s Report / Rapport du Trésorier [full text] submitted by the CEC’s Treasurer, Eldad Tsabary, who could not be present for the meeting. Brief explanations and clarifications of some of the budget lines were given by KA and JC following questions by DC and SP.

KA requests a motion to adopt the Treasurer’s Report. There were no objections. The Treasurer’s Report was adopted by consensus.

  1. Other business / Autres
    • Vote on the creation of “CEC Council” and to accept small related modifications and translation corrections to the CEC Bylaws §6

DO gives a summary of the bylaws and changes proposed to them that were tabled at the 2011 AGM. A discussion of the implications and the benefits of the CEC Council to the Board and to the CEC’s activities ensued.

A motion was made by KA to vote to approve the changes and the establishment of the CEC Council. Seconded by RH. The item was adopted by consensus.

SP brought up the development of SONUS as streaming. Discussion about royalties and the changing implications of streaming, narrowcasting etc. and downloading ensued. NTC provided background on NAISA’s experiences in these areas.

MP suggests incorporating an option for TES participants being able to become a CEC member during the registration process for the symposium; a brief discussion ensues.

  1. Adjournment / Levée de l’assemblée

DO requests a motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 18:10, Saturday, 18 August 2012, in Artscape Wychwood Barns’ NAISA Studio, Toronto.

Minutes submitted by jef chippewa, Secretary for the CEC’s 2012 AGM, on Sunday, 19 August 2012.

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