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eFlash! 2011-09

2011 AGM — Annual General Meeting /
AGA 2011 — Assemblée générale annuelle

Saturday, 13 August 2011, 16h15–17h00
Christie Studio: 601 Christie Street, Toronto
By tram: 512 — St Clair Ave. W. at Christie St. Farside
By bus: 126 — Christie St. at Benson Ave.

Documents provided to those present at the 2011 AGM (the proposed Agenda, the Minutes from the 2010 AGM and the CEC’s 2010–11 Financial Reports) are available here in PDF.

The audio recording of the 2011 AGM is available here in MP3 format. Note that due to technical issues there is a drop-out in the audio signal which explains the jump from the middle of DO’s reading of his President’s Report to the middle of KA’s reading of the Treasurer’s Report in the recording.

Minutes of the 2011 AGM / AGA 2011

Present in person at the 2011 AGM were CEC President and Member David Ogborn (DO), CEC members Kevin Austin (KA), James Bailey, David Berezan (DB), Bruno Degazio, Jean-François Denis (JFD), Arne Eigenfeldt (AE), Richard Henninger, Bentley Jarvis (BJ), Emilie LeBel, Steven Naylor (SN), David Olds (OLDS), Eric Powell and Nick Storring, as well as NAISA organizer Darren Copeland (DC), TES organizer Mitch Renaud and guests Campbell Foster, Matthew Griffin, Jonty Harrison and Steve McDavid. CEC Administrative co-Director jef chippewa (JC) listened/participated via Skype.

The meeting began at 16:31, Saturday, 13 August 2011. CEC President David Ogborn presided over the meeting. CEC Administrative co-Director jef chippewa acted as Secretary for the meeting.

Ordre du jour / Agenda

  1. Adoption of the agenda / Approbation de l’ordre du jour

    DO reads the Agenda and requests a motion to adopt the Agenda. AE moves to accept the President’s Report; seconded by KA. The Agenda is adopted by consensus.

  2. Adoption of the minutes of the previous AGM / Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière AGA

    DO displays the 2010 Minutes to the public. DO moves to adopt the Minutes. The Minutes were adopted by consensus.

  3. Business arising from the minutes of the previous AGM / Sujets touchant le procès-verbal de la dernière AGA

    There were no items arising from the Minutes of the 2010 AGM.

  4. President’s Report / Rapport du Président

    DO reads his President’s Report [full text] to those present.

    BJ moves to accept the President’s Report; seconded by KA. The President’s Report was adopted by consensus.

  5. Reports from the Board / Rapports du Conseil d’Administration

    Kevin Austin reads a Treasurer’s Report / Rapport du Trésorier [full text] submitted by the CEC’s Treasurer, Eldad Tsabary, who could not be present for the meeting.

    KA requests a motion to adopt the Treasurer’s Report. There were no objections. The Treasurer’s Report was adopted by consensus.

  6. Other business / Autres

    Creation of “CEC Council” and small modifications to the CEC Bylaws §6

    KA opens the discussion with a brief explanation of the writing of the Bylaws and how changes to them may legally be introduced. DO presents the idea to transform the Advisory Panel (§6) into a CEC Council, and to update the text in the CEC Bylaws §6 to reflect the current realities of the CEC.

    JFD moves to accept the amendments (with corrections to the French and minor changes in the English wording), seconded by KA. As per the Bylaws, the idea was tabled and the corrected bilingual text will need to be presented and voted upon at a subsequent member meeting.

    A question about the fact that the CEC is not a member of the Canadian New Music Network (CNMN) was raised by OLDS. SN commented on the CEC’s initial stance, with additional commentary by JC. A discussion ensued around the justifications for the CEC’s position and pointing out changes to the CNMN in recent years. JFD also contributed substantially to the discussion.

    SN recommends that the CEC Board should examine the current make-up, position and character of the CNMN and (re-)consider its position in regards to membership in the CNMN, in order to ensure the CEC is represented whenever the CNMN acts as a national representative.

  7. Adjournment / Levée de l’assemblée

    KA moves to adjourn the meeting; seconded by DO. The meeting adjourned at 17:19, Saturday, 13 August 2011, in Artscape Wychwood Barns’ Christie Studio, Toronto.

Minutes submitted by jef chippewa, Secretary for the CEC’s 2011 AGM, on Sunday, 14 August 2011.

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