DISContact! II

A Second Compilation of Works from the Members of the CEC
Introduction to the 1995 pressing
The 1994-95 crop of electroacoustics has arrived! DISContact! II, under the theme Towards a Better World, contains 51 gems, each no longer than three minutes; these are examples of the latest electroacoustic music from the members of the CEC.
East to West - Your itinerary: From Montréal, heading west, by way of Toronto, London, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, and Banff, you reach the west coast of Canada- Vancouver. After a brief side trip to visit our neighbors to the south, you cross the Pacific to Japan. Then you move on to Europe: Germany and Spain! Of course, you can always leave the flying up to random play on your compact disc player.
Bon voyage and happy listening,
DISContact! II Committee
Bentley Jarvis, Kathy Kennedy, Frédéric Roverselli
- DISContact! II
- Second Pressing Introduction
- Program and biographic notes - CD 1
- Program and biographic notes - CD 2
- Credits
© CEC 1997, 98, 99
Last updated 99 v Ian Chuprun & Yves Gigon
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