eFlash! 2018-09
Special General Meeting / Assemblée générale extraordinaire (6 Sept. 2018)
Minutes of a Special Meeting held as follow-up to the 2018 AGM
Thursday / jeudi, 6 September 2018, 16h15–17h00
Concordia University Department of Music
MB Building: 1450 Guy Street, 8th floor, room 101
Montréal QC H3H 0A1
The audio recording of the CEC’s 6 Sept. 2018 Special Meeting is available here in MP3 format. The AGM was webcast live on YouTube.

Present in person at the CEC’s 2018 AGM were: CEC President Eldad Tsabary (ET), CEC Secretary Jean Routhier (JR) and CEC Board Member-at-Large Myriam Boucher (MB), CEC Administrative co-Directors Yves Gigon (YG) and jef chippewa (JC) 1[1. Participating via WhatsApp.], as well as CEC members Kevin Austin (KA), Mark Corwin (MC) and Julie Matson (JM). Known to be listening in via YouTube webcast were CEC members James Bailey (JB) and Richard Henninger (RH).
The meeting began at 16:27 on Thursday, 6 September 2018. CEC Administrative co-Director jef chippewa chaired the meeting and acted as Secretary (via Skype) for the meeting.
Agenda / Ordre du jour
- Adoption of the Agenda / Approbation de l’ordre du jour
JC opened the meeting and read the Agenda. The Agenda was adopted by consensus.
- Bylaw §3.1 and New Board Members / Statut §3.1 et membres du Conseil
- JC reviewed the proposal tabled at the 2018 AGM (Agenda item 6b) regarding a minor revision to the CEC Bylaws to remove the specification that the Board consist of six (6) members at all times. KA moves to reopen the motion; YG seconds. A vote was held, with KA, JB 2[2. Via text message on the YouTube webcast “Live chat”.], MC, YG, RH 3[3. Via email to JC earlier in the day.], JR and ET voting in favour, no one voting against and no abstentions. A more than 2/3 majority vote is needed to approve modifications to the Bylaws: the changes are unanimously accepted as proposed.
- JC reviewed the proposal to add Kevin Austin and Julie Matson as Board members (dependent on a positive outcome of item 2a) starting in the 2018–19 fiscal year (Agenda item 6b). YG moves to reopen the proposal to accept Austin and Matson as new Board Members; JR seconds. A vote was held, with KA, JB 4[4. YouTube webcast “Live chat”.], MC, YG, RH 5[5. Email to JC.], JR and ET voting in favour, no one voting against and no abstentions. Kevin Austin and Julie Matson are unanimously voted in as new members of the existing Board, thereby increasing the number of its members to eight (8), now with 50% representation by members living in Québec and improving the non-male representation from 16.6% to 25%. ET welcomed the new members to the CEC Board of Directors. KA congratulated the Board for the work they have done over the years and suggested it these changes would prove to be very positive for the CEC.
- Adjournment / Levée de l’assemblée
MC moves to adjourn the meeting. The CEC’s Special General Meeting of 6 September 2018 was consensually adjourned at 16:37 on Thursday, 6 September 2018.
Minutes submitted by jef chippewa, Secretary for the CEC’s Special General Meeting of 6 September 2018, on Thursday, 6 September 2018.
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