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eFlash! 2016-09

2016 AGM — Annual General Meeting / AGA 2016 — Assemblée générale annuelle

President’s Report / Rapport du Président

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Hello everyone, welcome and thanks for taking the time to join us for the Canadian Electroacoustic Community Annual general meeting. I find these meetings to be always pleasant and community oriented. They maintain the ongoing health of the CEC and its connection with the very wide and diverse EA community in Canada.

I’d like to begin with some updates about the CEC’s activities throughout the year, starting with eContact! — our highest profile item.


It has been a very busy year for the eContact! team. Since last year’s AGM, five new issues of the CEC’s online journal for electroacoustic practices have been published:

From January to April 2016, we succeeded in doing a rapid-fire publication of four issues in four months, catching up on accumulated production delays. This rapid pace continues with three issues to appear in the fall. This will clear up the backlog. Huge thanks to jef for managing this!

Starting with issue 19.1, featuring the 2016 edition of Jeu de temps / Times Play (JTTP), you can expect new eContact! issues appearing mid-month in October, December, February and April each year.

From now through spring 2017, we’re looking forward to issues on:

In September 2015, the journal was moved to its own domain (econtact.ca) following many, many months of excellent work by CEC Administrative co-Director Yves Gigon, whose redesigning of the site has received nothing but praise.

A short list of the key changes includes:

The success of the new design was immediately apparent in the website stats for the journal: thanks to the launch, we broke 10,000 monthly hits for only the 2nd time in ten years 1[1 . We started gathering stats only in March 2006.] with an amazing 11,781 hits in September 2015, nearly double our monthly average in 2014–15. It gets better, though! In March 2016, the release of the (huuuuge) Analogue and Modular Synthesis issue pushed us just over 20,000 hits (!) 2[2 . In fact, in only the first two days following the publication of the issue the journal had 6609 page views, 7% more than the previous year’s monthly average!] and contributed to an increase in page views of 39% for 2015–16 over the previous year: we broke 100,000 page views and March gave us 20% of the numbers. As expected, the journal’s web stats have since settled a little but are generally a healthy amount higher.

We hope you enjoy the new design and encourage you to share links to the articles with your friends and colleagues. Also, check out our calls for works on the eContact! website (econtact.ca/call.html).


Jeu de temps / Times Play (JTTP) is a flagship contest for emerging electroacoustic composers, coordinated since 2000 by the CEC. In the past few years it also accepts videomusic submissions (this year’s first-place work was in fact a videomusic work).

The project continues to strive with a large number of submissions and a large international jury. The results of the latest edition (the 17th) will be publicly released in the fall in eContact! 19.1.

Here are the winners for this year:

  1. Myriam Boucher — Nuées (2016 / 10:02), videomusic
  2. Vanessa Massera — Éclats de feux (2016 / 10:08)
  3. Jérémie Ricard — Corrosion des alliages (2016 / 7:19)
  4. Samuel Béland — Biodôme (2016 / 8:49)
  5. Paul Tremblay-Tardif — Replica (2016 / 7:34)

Congratulations to the winners!

The overall prize packages, all by generous donation, are worth about $2500, including various media from:

As well as magazine subscriptions from Musicworks, Computer Music Journal, Organised Sound and Soundscape.

The first- to third-prize winners also receive cash prizes totalling $700, also all by donation. (If you would like to offer prizes or make a donation of $50 or more please contact the CEC administration or speak to me after the meeting.)

JTTP continues to promote the works of young and emerging composers in various channels.

In late September 2015, the five JTTP 2015 prize winners travelled to Berlin (Germany) as guests of Kontakte! ’15, an international festival for electronic music and sound art. They presented their works in a dedicated concert during the festival, produced by the Akademie der Künste Berlin. Currently we also are working on presenting the winning JTTP 2016 works at Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras (CMMAS) in Morelia. The concert will take place in late Spring 2017.

You can find out more about the various presentations of JTTP winning works in eContact! 19.1.

We are extremely thankful to the fantastic support offered each year by our many Media Partners.

Also noteworthy, first-prize winner Myriam Boucher will perform her work in this year’s Akousma festival in Montréal (by the way, Concordia Laptop Orchestra will also perform in this festival).

CEC Board

The CEC’s Board of Directors for the 2016–17 fiscal year is as follows [years indicate current terms]:

Half of the CEC Board is here for TIES 2016, so please feel free to speak to Carey, Joseph or me if you have any questions or comments concerning the CEC’s activities.


As always, it is a huge pleasure to work with NAISA on presenting TIES, and I am also very thankful for the support by CMC. I want to personally thank Nadene and Darren for your dedication and consistent driving force in making it happen.

Closing Remarks

Thank you everybody for being here! I think we can now continue with Carey’s presentation of Shawn Pinchbeck’s Treasurer’s Report.

Eldad Tsabary
President of the CEC Board
Toronto, Saturday, 13 August 2016

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