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eFlash! 2010-12

2010 AGM — Annual General Meeting /
AGA 2010 — Assemblée générale annuelle

Documents provided to those present at the 2010 AGM (the proposed Agenda, the Minutes from the 2009 AGM and the CEC’s 2009–10 Financial Report) are available here in PDF.

The audio recording of the 2010 AGM is available here in MP3 format.

Minutes of the 2010 AGM / AGA 2010

Thursday, 9 December 2010, 10 a.m. / Jeudi, le 9 décembre 2010, 10:00
1450, rue Guy — MB-8-245
Concordia University, Molson School of Business

Present in person at the 2010 AGM: CEC President David Ogborn (DO), CEC Treasurer Eldad Tsabary (ET), CEC co-Administrator Yves Gigon (YG), and CEC member Mark Corwin (MC).

The meeting began at 10:17. David Ogborn presided over the meeting.

DO opens the meeting with a brief introduction of the persons present at the meeting.

Agenda / Ordre du jour

  1. Adoption of the agenda / Approbation de l’ordre du jour

ET proposes to adopt the agenda, seconded by MC. Adopted by consensus.

  1. Adoption of the minutes of the previous AGM / Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière AGA

ET proposes to adopt the minutes, seconded by YG. Adopted by consensus.

  1. Business arising from the minutes of the previous AGM / Sujets touchant le procès-verbal de la dernière AGA

There was no business arising from the minutes.

  1. President’s Report / Rapport du Président [full text]

David Ogborn talks about the different CEC activities in the past year and presents a general situation of the CEC, grants received and projects.

ET requests a motion to adopt the President’s Report, seconded by MC. The report is adopted by consensus.

  1. Reports from the Board / Rapports du Conseil d’Administration

YG discusses the budget. The financial situation is stable with a small deficit.

MC proposes to adopt the report from the Board, seconded by DO. The report is adopted by consensus.

  1. Other business / Autres

There was no other business.

MC motions to adjourn the meeting, seconded by ET. Adopted by consensus.

  1. Adjournment / Levée de l’assemblée

The meeting adjourned at 10:40, Thursday, December 9, 2010 — MB-8-245, 1450 rue Guy, Concordia University.

Minutes submitted by Yves Gigon, Secretary for the CEC’s 2010 Annual General Meeting, on December 9, 2010.

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