eFlash! 2006-09
Minutes - CEC 06 AGM
Green Room, Oscar Peterson Concert Hall, Concordia University
7141 rue Sherbrooke ouest, September 22, 16:00 / 4 PM
Present: Sebastien Lavoie, Dave Seidel (M), Jim Harley, Arne Eigenfeldt (M), Tim Brady, Jean-François Denis (M), Mark Corwin (M), Kevin Austin (M – acting chair), Yves Gigon (M).
Welcome and greetings, history, context and setting the stage – Kevin Austin.
- JFD moved to adopt the agenda, YG seconded.
- Adoption of the minutes from 03-04, by consensus
- Business arising from the minutes: a request is made to change October to September in the 2005 Minutes.
- Presidents Reports. The report was presented by KA and issues discussed.
Thanks to JFD and Diffusion I Média the gift of new pochettes for Cache 2005. Moved acceptance JFD, seconded DS. - Rapport du Conseil d’Administration / Reports from the Board
- note by JFD about cec-conference (shouldn’t be in the president report)
- note by JFD about CCO
- note about the ISCM 2007 process of selecting a piece
Budget: moved by DS, seconded by YG
- note by JFD about the use of some abreviations in the CEC’s Budget (SOCAN instead of SOCAN Foundation, CC and AGA, AGM). Needs to be corrected.
Kevin presents new edition of eContact!. - Autres/Other business
- Tim Brady presents the CNMN (Canadian New Music Network). He is asked to provide a written document to the board.
- JFD talks about a new grant application, the CAP form the SOCAN Foundation - Levée de l'assemblée/ Adjournment at 17:13
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