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eFlash! 2004-11

AGA CEC 2004 — CEC AGM 2004


Assemblée générale annuelle
Annual General Meeting 2003-04

CEC 03-04 AGM — Sushi Joint, NDG

Thursday Nov.18/04 18:55

Present: Kevin Austin (acting chair), Ian Chuprun (recording secretary), alcides lanza, Phillip Aubin-Gauthier, Yves Gigon, Pierre-Alexandre Tremblay, Frank Koustrup.

Welcome and greetings, history, context and setting the stage — Kevin Austin.

  1. Kevin moved to adopt the agenda, IC seconded.
  2. Adoption of the minutes from 02-03, IC moved, seconded al
  3. Business arising from the minutes (none)
  4. Presidents Reports.
    The report was presented and issues discussed. Moved acceptance KA, seconded IC.
  5. Reports from the Board.
    Financial report, moved IC, seconded al.

Adjourn 7:50 pm

IC, al

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