eFlash! 2004-11
AGA CEC 2004 — CEC AGM 2004

Assemblée générale annuelle
Annual General Meeting 2003-04
CEC 03-04 AGM — Sushi Joint, NDG
Thursday Nov.18/04 18:55
Present: Kevin Austin (acting chair), Ian Chuprun (recording secretary), alcides lanza, Phillip Aubin-Gauthier, Yves Gigon, Pierre-Alexandre Tremblay, Frank Koustrup.
Welcome and greetings, history, context and setting the stage — Kevin Austin.
- Kevin moved to adopt the agenda, IC seconded.
- Adoption of the minutes from 02-03, IC moved, seconded al
- Business arising from the minutes (none)
- Presidents Reports.
The report was presented and issues discussed. Moved acceptance KA, seconded IC. - Reports from the Board.
Financial report, moved IC, seconded al.
Adjourn 7:50 pm
IC, al
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