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eFlash! 2001-08

eFlash - été 2001 Summer

Minutes / Agenda

Minutes from the 1999-2000 CEC AGM

The CEC's 1999-2000 AGM was held at Ian Chuprun's residence in Montréal, on Thursday August 31, 2000 at 4pm. Refreshments were served, and discussion took place before, during, and after the official meeting. Those present were: Kevin Austin, Ian Chuprun, Yves Gigon, Daniel Leduc, alcides lanza, Andra McCartney, and Rosemary Mountain.

The agenda, as published was:

1) Approbation de l'ordre du jour / Adoption of the agenda. KA, RM. Accepted.

2) Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière assemblée générale / Adoption of the minutes. RM, YG. Accepted.

3) Sujets touchant le procès-verbal de la dernière assemblée générale / Business arising from the minutes. None.

4) Rapport du Président / President's Report

- The President (IC) read the contents of the most recent eFlash, and introduced the new President (RM) and the new Board for 2000-01. To be published to the website.

5) Rapport du Conseil d’Administration / Reports from the Board

- The President, (IC), presented the financial report for the 1999-2000 year. Moved RM/YG. Accepted with minor corrections.

The proposed budget was moved, IC/RM. Accepted.

Administrator's Report. YG/IC. Accepted.

6) Autres/Other business


- New membership category proposed for Pioneers.

- CD production and distribution (CEC, PeP, Coulombe Saint-Marcoux, etc)

- Website

7) Levée de l'assemblée/ Adjournment. 8:20pm


Ordre du jour — AGA CEC — 2000-01
Agenda — CEC AGM — 2000-01

Assemblée générale annuelle
Annual General Meeting

Tuesday August 28 at 4pm at the Concordia University Downtown Campus (H 760 - Hall building, 1455 de Maisonneuve West).

1) Approbation de l'ordre du jour / Adoption of the agenda.

2) Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière assemblée générale / Adoption of the minutes.

3) Sujets touchant le procès-verbal de la dernière assemblée générale / Business arising from the minutes.

4) Rapport du Président / President's Report

5) Rapport du Conseil d’Administration / Reports from the Board

6) Autres/Other business

- CEC membership drive

- New membership category proposed for Pioneers.

- CD distribution and sales

- Website

- Conference / Symposium


7) Levée de l'assemblée/ Adjournmen

© 2001

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