A Compilation of Electroacoustic Works
Artists speak to themselves, each other and the public.
Artists speak of themselves, each other and the universe.
Twenty-three composers from around the world, most of whom have never met face to face, have joined together through the good graces of the CEC to prepare a self-funded compilation CD. This like-minded, aesthetically variant group share the historical desire to distribute the fruits of their labors.
Organized alphabetically onto the two CDs are electroacoustic / computer music compositions that reflect almost all styles and types of ea/cm composition currently being created by this ever-changing technologically forward looking community.
Some pieces are easily accessible, some offer a greater challenge to the ears, the mind, the spirit, the soul. All provide food for thought, or as the fox said when he ate the bagpipes: "There's meat and there's music here."
© CEC 1997, 98, 99
Last updated 99 v Ian Chuprun & Yves Gigon
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