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eFlash! 1998-12

Procès-verbal de l'Assemblée générale annuelle de la CEC (août 1998) / Minutes of the CEC Annual General Meeting (August 1998)

August 26, 1998 at 19:00

Espace Claude Schryer
4859 Jeanne-Mance
Montréal QC Canada

Étaient présents / Present:

Kevin Austin (Président de l'assemblée / Acting Chair), Jef Chippewa, Darren Copeland (Recording Secretary), Yves Gigon, Kathy Kennedy, Daniel Leduc, Emmanuel Madan, Charles de Mestral, Claude Schryer.

1) Approbation de l'ordre du jour / Adoption of the agenda

Moved (CS/KA): To adopt agenda.


2) Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière assemblée générale / Adoption of the minutes

Moved (CS/DC): To adopt agenda.


3) Sujets touchant le procès-verbal de la dernière assemblée générale / Business arising from the minutes

No business arising.

4) Rapport du President / President's remarks

Ian Chuprun, the President, sends his regrets for not being present. Kevin Austin (KA) will represent him.

KA stated that the CEC is following through on its goal to concentrate activities on the web and internet. Four grant proposals have been made since January 1998 in support of web activity (CC Publications, CC Music, CHRC, and SOCAN). CHRC wants interns under 30, a 2 to 1 ratio of funding, and project termination by April 30. This is a very difficult arrangement for the CEC. More discussion is required with CHRC. DC raised question of piecemeal project-based funding for administration.

KA, YG, and Darren Copeland (DC) went to Ottawa for meeting with Canada Council representatives of Music and Media Arts Sections. Web is low on music's priorities (they don't know what to do with it). This is not the case with media arts.

Newly emerging objectives for CEC: Young/emerging composers competition; CEC awards named after honorary members (recognizing excellence in various aspects of electroacoustics); and national infrastructure for across Canada studio residencies.

Call for submissions for Presence II will be released soon. Database is updated with positive respondents to Presence I. Contracts will include permission for web distribution.

IC is developing closer links with Sonic Arts Network.

Non-email members of the CEC are receiving flash! on paper. Libraries will receive web material on CD-Rom.

5) Rapport du Conseil d'Administration / Reports from the board

Al Mattes was named as an honorary member of the CEC.

Membership is stable despite loss of paper publication.

Yves Gigon (YG) introduced newly elected board of directors:

Président/President - Ian Chuprun.

Vice-Président/Vice President - Dave Lindsay.

Secrétaire/Secretary - Darren Copeland.

Trésorier/Treasurer - Yves Gigon.

Membres/Members-at-large - Kevin Austin, Andra McCartney, Jean Routhier.

CS pointed out that the number of board members exceeds the number listed in the by-laws. Should one of the board members become ex-officio? KA responded that the board would examine this issue more closely, and if necessary, hold a vote to amend the bylaws.

YG presented last year's financial statement and the projected budget for 98-99. Last year's deficit of $2699 is covered by inventory of future CD sales. It is desirable to return to surplus of $17,000. SODRAC warned us about $5500 in fees. CEC are asking composers to waive SODRAC fees. The $4000 listed for CHRC is the last payment from current appointment. A more complete budget will include in-kind contributions.

Moved (YG/CS): To adopt financial report.


6) Autres / Other business

Question raised by CS about the relevancy for sound bytes of works on web when composers can mount these themselves. CEC provides international profile that the composers would not necessarily have access to.

KA expressed interest in holding conference at Concordia in 2001. Tying this in with Canada Council Millennium Fund application for CD set of Canadian electroacoustic music might produce a way to get travel funding. Otherwise, the time lag between this and the last conference should be sufficient for composers to realize that the money is simply not there to pay everyone's travel. CS indicated the importance for conferences has being excellent catalysts for renewal and exchange.

7) Levee de l'assemblée / Adjournment

Moved (KA/CS): To adjourn.


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