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eFlash! 2015-08

2015 AGM — Annual General Meeting / AGA 2015 — Assemblée générale annuelle

Minutes of the 2015 AGM / AGA 2015

Saturday / samedi, 22 August 2015, 16h30–17h30
NAISA Space, 601 Christie Street #252, Toronto

Documents provided to those present at the 2015 AGM (the proposed Agenda, the Minutes from the 2014 AGM and the CEC’s 2014–15 Financial Report) are available here in PDF. The audio recording of the 2015 AGM is available here in MP3 format.

Present in person at the CEC’s 2015 AGM were: CEC President Eldad Tsabary (ET) and CEC Treasurer Shawn Pinchbeck (SP), CEC Admin jef chippewa (JC) participating via Skype, and CEC members Kevin Austin (KA), James Bailey (JB), Bruno Degazio (BD), Brian Garbet (BG), Steven Naylor (SN) and Michael Palumbo (MP).

The meeting began at 16:43 on Saturday, 22 August 2015. CEC President Eldad Tsabary chaired the meeting. CEC Administrative co-Director jef chippewa acted as Secretary for the meeting.

Agenda / Ordre du jour

  1. Adoption of the agenda / Approbation de l’ordre du jour

ET opened the meeting, welcomed those present and read the Agenda. The Agenda for the CEC’s 2015 AGM was adopted by consensus.

  1. Adoption of the minutes of the previous AGM / Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière AGA

BG clarified that the unknown participant who raised the final question in “Other Business” was him and that this should be corrected in the Minutes. BD moved to accept with this small amendment and JB seconded the motion. The minutes of the 2014 AGM were adopted by consensual unanimity.

  1. Business arising from the minutes of the previous AGM / Sujets touchant le procès-verbal de la dernière AGA

There were no items arising from the minutes of the 2014 AGM.

  1. President’s Report / Rapport du Président

ET read his President’s Report [full text] and gave a preview of the new eContact! website to those present, who were duly and indeed profoundly impressed with the upgrade.

  1. Reports from the Board / Rapports du Conseil d’Administration

SP read his Treasurer’s Report [full text]. Following general discussion about changes in Canada Council funding, BD moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report and JB seconded the motion. The 2015 Treasurer’s Report was adopted by consensus.

  1. Other business / Autres

KA asked about the state and future of TIES, given the fact that NAISA will be moving its location on 31 October 2015. An open discussion ensued, during which various ideas were floated that the organizers and that the CEC Board might wish to consider for the continued success of TIES.

ET suggested to open a table ronde for the informal discussion of any CEC-related topics those present wished to ask about or comment on.

KA commented on the dubious future of the CD format and suggests that the CEC should consider moving towards other forms of distribution for projects such as Cache.

SN asks about the status of and plans for SONUS. JC gave some background on what is needed to upgrade the project and on some ideas that have been considered for the long-term existence of the project. Tags and data management were among the exciting topics brought into the discussion.

  1. Adjournment / Levée de l’assemblée

JB motioned to adjourn the meeting and BD seconded the motion. By consensus, the CEC’s 2015 AGM was adjourned at 17:49 on Saturday, 22 August 2015.

Minutes submitted by jef chippewa, Secretary for the CEC’s 2015 AGM, on Friday, 28 August 2015.

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