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eFlash! 2014-09

2014 AGM — Annual General Meeting /
AGA 2014 — Assemblée générale annuelle

Minutes of the 2014 AGM / AGA 2014

Saturday / samedi, 16 August 2014, 16h30–17h30
NAISA Space, 601 Christie Street #252, Toronto

Documents provided to those present at the 2014 AGM (the proposed Agenda, the Minutes from the 2013 AGM and the CEC’s 2013–14 Financial Reports) are available here in PDF. The audio recording of the 2014 AGM is available here in MP3 format.

Present in person at the CEC’s 2014 AGM were: CEC President Eldad Tsabary (ET), CEC Treasurer Shawn Pinchbeck (SP), CEC Board Member-at-Large Emilie LeBel (EL) and CEC Administrative co-Director jef chippewa (JC); CEC members Kevin Austin (KA), John Kamevaar (JK), James Bailey (JB), Jean-François Denis (JFD), Brian Garbet (BG), Richard Henninger (RH), Joseph Hyde (JH), Steven Naylor (SN), Robert Normandeau (RN), David Ogborn (DO), Michael Palumbo (MP) and Gayle Young (GY); and guest Teresa Connors (TC).

The meeting began at 16:55 on Saturday, 22 August 2014. CEC President Eldad Tsabary chaired the meeting. CEC Administrative co-Director jef chippewa acted as Secretary for the meeting.

Agenda / Ordre du jour

  1. Adoption of the agenda / Approbation de l’ordre du jour

ET opened the meeting, welcomed those present and read the Agenda. JFD moved to adopt the agenda and KA seconded the motion. The Agenda for the CEC’s 2014 AGM was adopted by consensus.

  1. Adoption of the minutes of the previous AGM / Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière AGA

ET presented the minutes of the CEC’s 2013 AGM and indicated a small correction was needed in the list of names of people present at the 2013 AGM. JFD proposes to accept the minutes with the amendment and KA seconded the motion. The minutes of the 2013 AGM were adopted by consensual unanimity.

  1. Business arising from the minutes of the previous AGM / Sujets touchant le procès-verbal de la dernière AGA

There were no items arising from the minutes of the 2013 AGM.

  1. President’s Report / Rapport du Président

ET read his President’s Report [full text]. General thanks were expressed by those present for the report.

  1. Reports from the Board / Rapports du Conseil d’Administration

SP reads his Treasurer’s Report [full text]. ET thanks SP for his report. SN moved to adopt the Treasurer’s Report. KA seconded the movement. ET asks if any discussion is needed. SP applauded the healthy financial state of the CEC and its Administration. The report is adopted by consensus.

  1. Other business / Autres
    • New Honorary Member Paul Pedersen

Upon ET’s invitation, KA introduced Paul Pedersen and gave some background on his career, influences in the EA milieu in Montréal and later in Toronto. ET thanked KA for his presentation.

ET proposed a table ronde for informal discussion of any issues, comments or ideas that CEC members or other guests might wish to propose.

RN asked about the schedule of releasing the results of JTTP later than in the past. JC explained the reasons behind this, which related to promotion of the project, the winners and the academic year.

MP asked about the activity on the Council and if the Council has turned out to be a positive and useful development for the CEC. ET provided some ideas about how the Council will be useful in the long term, even if in the short term there might be very little activity.

SN requested more regularity in the publication dates and publishing schedule for eContact! issues. JC explained that the CEC is working towards this goal following some delays, notably the “monolith” that was the issue covering the 25th Anniversary issue.

As one of the administrators of the CEC’s Facebook page, KA gives some background on some of the very positive activity on the Facebook pages, typically linked to the release of information about specific CEC activities, such as TIES or new eContact! issues. MP suggests the CEC’s social media activities could be improved and gave some very relevant ideas that could be easily implemented to improve the CEC’s use of these communications means.

BG asked if there is a way to compile all articles from a given issue of eContact! in a single PDF for distribution. JC explained that the CEC has indeed considered this form of distribution but that time and money limitations have so far hindered such a production.

  1. Adjournment / Levée de l’assemblée

JB motioned to adjourn the meeting. EL seconded the motion. By consensus, the CEC’s 2014 AGM was adjourned at 17:48 on Saturday, 16 August 2014.

Minutes submitted by jef chippewa, Secretary for the CEC’s 2014 AGM, on Sunday, 17 August 2014.

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