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eFlash! 2005-11

Minutes - CEC 05 AGM

Green Room, Oscar Peterson Concert Hall, Concordia University
7141 rue Sherbrooke ouest, 13:00 / 1 PM September 23

Present: Rob Godman, alcides lanza, Ian Chuprun, Harold Isaac, Amber Judge, Arne Eigenfeldt, Chris Morgan, Chris Bailey, Maurice Wright, Elizabeth Hoffman, Mark Corwin, Kevin Austin (acting chair), Yves Gigon

Welcome and greetings, history, context and setting the stage – Kevin Austin.

  1. Kevin moved to adopt the agenda, IC seconded.
  2. Adoption of the minutes from 03-04, IC moved, seconded al
  3. Business arising from the  minutes (none)
  4. Presidents Reports. The report was presented and issues discussed. Moved acceptance KA, seconded IC.
  5. Reports from the Board. Financial report, moved IC, seconded al.

Adjourn 2 pm

IC, al

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