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2024 AGM

Annual General Meeting

As has been the case for many years, the CEC’s AGM is held as a hybrid event. Present at the in-person venue are CEC Board and Administration members, members of the CEC and persons interested in its activities. A video webcast is transmitted from the venue to allow the active participation of those who cannot attend in person.

The meeting is open to anyone wishing to attend (not just current members), but only CEC Permanent/Full Members whose accounts are in good standing, Patron and Honorary Members may vote.

Documentation of all AGMs is published in individual issues of eFlash!, the electronic newsletter for CEC members.


Wednesday, 28 August 2024, 15h00–15h45 EDT
(12h00 Vancouver = 15h00 Montréal = 20h00 London = 21h00 Berlin)

Montréal Hub: Concordia University (Music), 1450 rue Guy, 8th floor, room 245 (MB 8.245)

Toronto Satellite: Canadian Music Centre (CMC), 20 St. Joseph Street

Enhanced AGM

Since 2022, the CEC’s Annual General Meetings are “enhanced” with an artistic activity such as a performance or workshop that takes place in parallel to the proceedings. 1[1. In 2022, artists in Newcastle (UK), Richmond VA (US), Cape Town (ZA) and Lisbon (PT) gave a networked live coding performance; for the 2023 AGM Jean-François Laporte (Productions Totem Contemporain) performed live in the Montréal hub with two novel approaches to creating sound with his Bol.]


14:30 Doors open, hello!
14:45 Playback of a JTTP 2024 prizewinning work
15:00 AGM starts
15:45 AGM ends; playback of a second JTTP 2024 prizewinning work
16:00 End


Participate in the CEC’s AGM via webcast by opening this link: join the 2024 AGM [or visit here and type the Meeting ID 990 7705 3720 and Passcode 151708]. 2[2. An online or desktop version of Zoom is required to connect to the video stream.] The stream will go live approximately ten minutes prior to the start of the performance.


  1. Adoption of the Agenda
  2. Minutes of the Previous AGM
  3. Business Arising from the Minutes of the Previous AGM
  4. Board of Directors for 2024–25
  5. President’s Report
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Other Reports from the Board and Administration
    1. New CEC Patron
  8. Other Business
    1. Presentation of the Digital North concert series (Steven Webb, Toronto)
  9. Adjournment


Documents related to the AGM are made available to members at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

The President’s Report, the Treasurer’s Report and the Minutes from this year’s AGM will be published in an upcoming edition of eFlash!, the newsletter for CEC Members.

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