Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium 2017
11th edition of TIES
Symposium Overview

New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA), the Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC) and the Canadian Music Centre (CMC) are pleased to announce the 11th edition of the Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium (TIES), and delighted to welcome Québec sound artist Chantal Dumas as Keynote Speaker for TIES 2017. Dumas is a highly respected sound artist who explores the medium of sound through the production of audio fiction and docufiction, sound installation, composition and sound design.
Registration — includes entry to all concerts [ register now ]
Webcast — Listen in to all events on a live stream.
Questions about the schedule or any other aspect of the symposium can be directed by email to the Symposium Chairs, Nadene Thériault-Copeland and Darren Copeland. For any registration or Sound Travels questions, contact Nadene Thériault-Copeland.
Call for Submissions
Schedule Summary | Timetable (PDF) | Directions | Organization
Detailed Symposium Schedule
Abstracts + Bios | Programme Notes + Bios
Schedule Summary

Click on a date to jump to the detailed schedule page listing all papers and works presented, or click on individual session titles and concert/installation titles for abstracts and programme notes, respectively.
Day 0 — Tuesday 8 August
20:00–22:00 • Pre-TIES Concert at the CMC: Nova
Day 1 — Wednesday 9 August
09:00–17:00 • Canadian Music Centre: Dan Tapper
18:00–19:30 • Outside the Baker Studio: Arne Eigenfeldt and Simon Lysander Overstall
18:00–19:30 • Baker Studio: Teresa Connors
Registration and Opening Concert
18:30–19:30 • Registration & Reception
19:30–22:00 • Symposium Concert #1
Day 2 — Thursday 10 August
09:00–17:00 • Canadian Music Centre: Dan Tapper
13:30–19:30 • Outside the Baker Studio: Arne Eigenfeldt and Simon Lysander Overstall
13:30–19:30 • Baker Studio: Teresa Connors
Sessions and Concerts
08:30–09:00 • Coffee
09:00–10:30 • Paper Session #1: New Directions in Audiovisual (Ciciliani, Corbeil-Perron, McIntosh)
10:30–10:45 • Break
10:45–12:15 • Paper Session #2: Geomapping (Karson, Budel, Thulin)
12:15–14:00 • Lunch Break
14:00–15:15 • Keynote Lecture: Chantal Dumas
15:15–15:30 • Break
15:30–16:30 • Symposium Concert #2
16:30–19:30 • Dinner Break
19:30–22:00 • Symposium Concert #3
Day 3 — Friday 11 August
09:00–13:00 • Canadian Music Centre: Dan Tapper
13:30–19:30 • Outside the Baker Studio: Arne Eigenfeldt and Simon Lysander Overstall
13:30–19:30 • Baker Studio: Teresa Connors
Sessions and Concerts
08:30–09:00 • Coffee
09:00–10:30 • Paper Session #3: Signalling Probabilities (Gauthier/St-Pierre, Dunnett, Nyström)
10:30–10:45 • Break
10:45–11:45 • Paper Session #4: Ethics in EA (Lüneburg, Horrigan)
11:45–12:15 • In Memoriam David Keane (Austin)
12:15–14:00 • Lunch Break
14:00–15:15 • Soundscape Forum: Chantal Dumas
15:15–15:30 • Break
15:30–16:30 • Symposium Concert #4
16:30–19:30 • Dinner Break
19:30–22:00 • Sound Travels Concert #1: Object Response
Day 4 — Saturday 12 August
13:30–19:30 • Outside the Baker Studio: Arne Eigenfeldt and Simon Lysander Overstall
13:30–19:30 • Baker Studio: Teresa Connors
Sessions and Concerts
08:30–09:00 • Coffee
09:00–10:00 • Lecture-Recital #1: Lankford
10:00–10:15 • Break
10:15–11:15 • Paper Session #5: Installations (Eigenfeldt, Connors)
11:15–12:15 • Installation Tour (Eigenfeldt/Overstall, Connors)
12:15–14:00 • Lunch Break
14:00–15:00 • Lecture-Recital #2: Primeau
15:00–15:30 • Break
15:30–16:30 • Symposium Concert #5
17:00–18:00 • CEC AGM
16:30–19:30 • Dinner Break
19:30–22:00 • Sound Travels Concert #2: Time Response
Locations / Directions
TIES 2017 activities take place at two addresses in downtown Toronto: the Canadian Music Centre (CMC) just east of Queen’s Park, as well as in two studios in the Case Goods building, in the southern part of the Distillery District down where the Gardiner Expressway and the Don Valley Parkway meet. The Distillery District is a historic retail and cultural complex with many options for dining and gathering.
- Case Goods building — 15 Case Goods Lane (Distillery District)
- Canadian Music Centre (CMC) — 20 St. Joseph Street (east of Queen’s Park)
The Case Goods building is located along the south side of the Distillery District. There are entrances on the north, south and west sides of the building. The west entrance is the closest to the studios; both the north and south entrances are wheelchair-accessible. The Michael J. Baker Studio is on the third floor (#314) and the Ernest Balmer Studio is right next door (#315).
How to Get to the Distillery District
By Streetcar with a Bipedal Option
From the King or St. Andrew subway stations (both on Line 1, Yonge-University) take either the 504 King or 514 King Streetcar eastbound. On the 504, exit at Trinity Street and walk southeast on Trinity until you cross Mill Street.
The 514 Streetcar labelled Cherry Street runs less frequently but terminates more conveniently at the Distillery Loop on the east side of the District.
By Bus And a Couple of Feet
From the Castle Frank Station (Line 2, Bloor-Danforth) take the 65 Parliament bus southbound and exit at King and Parliament, then walk south to the western Mill Street entrance to the Distillery District.
More Travel Options
Visit the Dancemakers website <> for further travel options by public transit or by car to the Distillery District.
Or visit the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) website for public transit within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Download the TTC System Map here:
Canadian Music Centre (CMC)
Public Transportation (TTC)
The CMC is located just off Yonge Street, a short walk from several subway stations: Wellesley (closest), Museum, Yonge/Bloor or Bay.
By Foot
From Wellesley Station, walk west along Wellesley towards Yonge and cross at the lights to the west side of Yonge. Walk north along Yonge until you reach St. Joseph Street, then turn left, heading west.
By Car
From the 401, take the Yonge Street exit and drive south (5 km). Just past Bloor Street, turn right onto Irwin Avenue. Make a left onto Bay Street, and another immediate left onto St. Joseph Street (a one-way street, running east). Please note that parking is expensive and very limited in downtown Toronto.
Review Committee / Comité de selection
Chairs: Nadene Thériault-Copeland (NAISA) and Darren Copeland (NAISA)
Kevin Austin (Concordia University)
Christina Baade (McMaster University)
Rose Bolton (Toronto)
Arne Eigenfeldt (Simon Fraser University)
Ken Fields (University of Calgary)
Elliott Fienberg (OCAD University)
Peter Hatch (Wilfrid Laurier)
Emilie Lebel (University of Montana)
Cort Lippe (University at Buffalo)
Hilary Martin (York University)
Christof Migone (Western University)
Gordon Monohan (Electric Eclectics)
Steven Naylor (Acadia University)
Shawn Pinchbeck (CEC / RISEBA University)
Laurie Radford (University of Calgary)
Bekah Simms (University of Toronto)
Scott Smallwood (University of Alberta)
Andrew Staniland (Memorial University)
D. Andrew Stewart (University of Lethbridge)
Jessica Thompson (University of Waterloo)
Jane Tingley (University of Waterloo)
Barry Truax (Simon Fraser University)
Doug Van Nort (York University)
Organizing Committee / Comité d’organisation
Kevin Austin (Concordia University)
jef chippewa (Canadian Electroacoustic Community)
Darren Copeland (New Adventures in Sound Art)
Nadene Thériault-Copeland (New Adventures in Sound Art)
Eldad Tsabary (CEC / Concordia University)
Links / Liens
TIES — Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium
NAISA — New Adventures in Sound Art
CEC — Communauté électroacoustique canadienne / Canadian Electroacoustic Community
CMC — Canadian Music Centre | 20 St. Joseph Street, Toronto
eContact! — the CEC’s online journal for electroacoustic practices
Sound Travels — NAISA’s annual Festival of Sound Art
Social Media
TIES 2017 Facebook Event
NAISA — Facebook | Twitter
CEC — Facebook | Twitter
CMC — Facebook | Twitter
Acknowledgement of Support
New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA) is partially funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts and the SOCAN Foundation. TIES 2017 is sponsored by FACTOR.
The Canadian Electroacoustic Community is supported financially by the SOCAN Foundation.
The Canadian Music Centre — Ontario Region is funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council, SOCAN Foundation, FACTOR, Department of Canadian Heritage, Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Ontario Media Development Corporation.
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