Communauté électroacoustique canadienne
Canadian Electroacoustic Community
GM-500 — 1455, boulevard De Maisonneuve Ouest, Montréal, QC, H3G 1M8, Canada
http://cec.sonus.ca - cec@sonus.ca

[traduction française non disponible]

Once there was a man who saw very quickly. He found a secret connection between all things. He had been priviledged to explore contours of time, whose intimate surfaces defined an enigma in another language. Once upon a time, a man who saw very quickly explored fractures between all things. He found time was a precipice, a secret connection between all things, an enigma defined in antother language. Once, he had been priviledged. He found his hat very quickly. He found his hat between all things. It was a secret, intimate hat, hose labyrinthian contours quickly defined an enigma, whose surfaces and precicality was a plorenection in another language. And he saw a secret connection ponaly fa. He defined precicality in another language. He saw fractures between all inipices. Induh ponaces priss very wholipi who whose klree time fa exly tik schconivily, shose initipice quur hat surpona co§s. Sut tho§ pra fex wasa cofd bescht. Tit exly prisaw between urb. Vk ra ur klp quak schtss dbeen whfskss indut tuh. The veah pi § ve thwh tit prek, itla akls litba. Alk an iddit ikstp plok klibly sulkit phinnobah. Kf lippo Quk priss blk thx vt whd sst. I th qu fr fractures f fa ree §§ lß fex v b d i scht prik. Th v sh f l k § d r p b l i t m a d u r s i t d o s n t m a d u r s i t d o s n t m a t u r s i t d o s n t m a t u r i t m a t u t i t m a t u r s o t do s n o ma t u r and... in it's ffffra fraacttures.....and in it's fr frac rac ractures... i t m a t u r s i t d o s n t m a t u r i t u r s i t d o s n t f f f fffffrac t fra tu ur ur es fff and in it's fr frac rac ractures... m a t u r i t m a t u r s o t d o s n t ma t u r i t m a t u r s i t language. —Text by Peter Rose

  • Studio: Elektronisches Studio, TU Berlin (Berlin, West Germany)

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