Communauté électroacoustique canadienne
Canadian Electroacoustic Community
GM-500 — 1455, boulevard De Maisonneuve Ouest, Montréal, QC, H3G 1M8, Canada
http://cec.sonus.ca - cec@sonus.ca

[traduction française non disponible]

This piece is the result of some experiments with tape loops. By filling an entire reel with repeated recordings of a syllable and playing it in fast forward, I obtained a low frequency oscillator. Each syllable resulted in a different timbre. Short sounds and pitch change were also obtained at the slow recording speed by adjusting the output level and speed of the loop machine. “Spellbinding” goes from the familiar to the unfamiliar, explaining the process along the way. MvdV

  • Studio: University of Toronto Electronic Music Studio (Toronto, Ontario)

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Page oeuvre@40423 générée par litk 0.600 le jeudi 22 septembre 2022. Conception: DIM.