Communauté électroacoustique canadienne
Canadian Electroacoustic Community
GM-500 — 1455, boulevard De Maisonneuve Ouest, Montréal, QC, H3G 1M8, Canada
http://cec.sonus.ca - cec@sonus.ca

[traduction française non disponible]

This piece was originally composed as the accompanying score for a sculptural installation with the artist Sherry Healy. It was first performed in association with the sculpture at the Chicago International Art Exposition at Navy Pier in May 1987. The sounds from which the composition was created were drawn from both electronic and concrète, natural sources, underscoring both the presence of the sculpture and its historical associations. The formal structure of the piece is a representation in time of the spatial organization of the sculpture; the underlying tonal material is developed from the natural resonance of the long wooden beams from which the structure is formed and from the wind, which follows the listener as he or she journeys through the pathways of the dream that the sculpture represents. CB

  • Studio: University of Massachusetts (USA)

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Page oeuvre@40072 générée par litk 0.600 le jeudi 22 septembre 2022. Conception: DIM.