Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium 2015
9th edition of TIES
Symposium Overview

TIES 2015 is a co-presentation of the Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC), New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA) and the Canadian Music Centre (CMC). TIES is held in parallel with the 17th edition of Sound Travels, NAISA’s annual Festival of Sound Art. The Keynote Speaker for TIES 2015 is Nicolas Collins.
Activities take place at the Canadian Music Centre (Thursday and Friday morning sessions) and at the Artscape Wychwood Barns (all concerts and afternoon sessions, all activities on Saturday). Inside the Artscape Wychwood Barns, there are two venues: Theatre Direct’s Wychwood Theatre (Studio 176) and the NAISA Space (Studio 252).
Registration — includes entry to all concerts [ register now ]
Webcast — Listen in to all events on a live stream.
Questions about the schedule or any other aspect of the symposium can be directed by email to Eldad Tsabary, Chair of the symposium committee. For any registration or Sound Travels questions, contact Nadene Thériault-Copeland.
Call for Submissions
Schedule Summary | Directions | Organisation
Detailed Symposium Schedule
Abstracts + Bios | Programme Notes + Bios
TIES 2015 event / info summary (PDF)
Schedule Summary
Click on a date to jump to the detailed schedule page which lists all papers and works presented and for further links to abstracts, programme notes and biographies.
Day 1 — Wednesday 19 August
VENUE: Wychwood Theatre and the NAISA Space
18:30–19:30 • Opening Reception and Bosch & Simons installation
19:30–21:30 • Symposium Concert #1
Day 2 — Thursday 20 August
VENUES: 09:15–12:30 at the CMC / 14:30–21:30 in the Wychwood Theatre and the NAISA Space
18:30–19:30 • Installations
09:15–09:45 • Coffee
09:45–11:15 • Paper Session #1: Listening
11:15–11:30 • Break
11:30–12:30 • Paper Session #2: Algorithmic Creation
12:30–14:30 • Lunch
14:30–16:00 • Keynote Lecture: Nicolas Collins
16:00–16:30 • Break
16:30–17:30 • Lecture-Recital
17:30–19:30 • Dinner Break
19:30–21:30 • Sound Travels Concert #1: “Unstable Rationality”
21:30–23:30 • Symposium Dinner [ Pre-registration required! ]
Day 3 — Friday 21 August
VENUES: 09:15–12:30 at the CMC / 14:30–21:30 in the Wychwood Theatre and the NAISA Space
18:30–19:30 • Installations
09:15–09:45 • Coffee
09:45–10:45 • Paper Session #3: Education/Pedagogy
10:45–11:00 • Break
11:00–11:30 • Paper Session #4: Mirlitones
11:30–12:30 • Panel Session: Louise Harris and Nick Fells
12:30–14:30 • Lunch
14:30–16:00 • Symposium Concert #2
16:00–16:30 • Break
16:30–17:30 • Lecture-Recital
17:30–19:30 • Dinner Break
19:30–21:30 • Symposium Concert #3
Day 4 — Saturday 22 August
VENUE: Wychwood Theatre
10:00–15:00 + 19:00–20:00 • Installations
09:15–09:45 • Coffee
09:45–10:45 • Paper Session #5: Musicking
10:45–11:00 • Break
11:00–12:30 • Lecture Recitals
12:30–14:30 • Lunch
14:30–16:00 • Symposium Concert #4
16:00–16:30 • Break
16:30–17:30 • CEC AGM [NB: in the NAISA space]
17:30–19:30 • Dinner Break
19:30–21:30 • Sound Travels concert: “Revealing Origins”
Locations / Directions
Artscape Wychwood Barns
601 Christie Street, Toronto [ Google maps ]
Public transportation (TTC) — Take the 126 Christie bus either north from Christie Station or south from St. Clair West Station and get off at Benson Avenue. Or, from the St. Clair West Staton take the 512 St. Clair streetcar westbound and exit at either St. Clair or Wychwood (about 2 min.), then walk south to Benson. Once you pass Benson, you can enter the Barns from either the Christie or Wychwood side.
By foot — From the St. Clair West Subway Station walk west to Wychwood Avenue or Christie Street and then south to Benson Avenue. Once you pass Benson, you can enter the Barns from either the Christie or Wychwood side.
By car — From the 401 take the Allen Expressway south to Eglinton. Go west (right) on Eglinton (400 m) and then South (left) on Oakwood and left onto Vaughan Street (300 m). Follow Vaughan to St. Clair West, (1.5 km), and turn west (right) onto St. Clair. Turn south (left) from there onto either Wychwood or Christie (200 m). There is street parking on the Christie and Wychwood sides of the building.
Canadian Music Centre (CMC)
20 St. Joseph Street, Toronto [ Google maps ]
Public transportation (TTC) — The CMC is located just off Yonge Street, a short walk from several subway stations: Wellesley (closest), Museum, Yonge/Bloor or Bay.
By foot — From Wellesley Station, walk west along Wellesley towards Yonge and cross at the lights to the west side of Yonge. Walk north along Yonge until you reach St. Joseph Street then turn left heading west. The CMC is located on the north side of St. Joseph Street.
By car — From the 401 take the Yonge Street exit and drive south (5 km). Just past Bloor Street, turn right onto Irwin Avenue. Make a left onto Bay Street, and another immediate left onto St. Joseph Street (a one-way street, running east). Please note that parking is expensive and very limited in downtown Toronto.
Travelling from the CMC to the Artscape Wychwood Barns
Public transportation (TTC), v.01 — Take the Yonge subway line north from Wellesley Station to Bloor/Yonge Station, transfer to the Bloor line and take the subway west to St. George Station. Transfer at St. George to a northbound subway train and get off at St. Clair West Station. Take the 512 St. Clair streetcar westbound and exit at either St. Clair or Wychwood (about 2 min.), then walk south to Benson. Once you pass Benson, you can enter the Barns from either the Christie or Wychwood side.
Public transportation (TTC), v.02 — From the CMC, walk west along St. Joseph Street towards Queen’s Park. Walk to the north end of Queen’s Park and board the subway at Museum Station (the entrance is located on the west side of Queen’s Park in front of the Royal Ontario Museum). Take the northbound subway to St. Clair West Station. Take the 512 St. Clair streetcar westbound and exit at either St. Clair or Wychwood (about 2 min.), then walk south to Benson. Once you pass Benson, you can enter the Barns from either the Christie or Wychwood side.
By car — Head north on Yonge, turn left heading west on Charles Street, turn right heading north on Bay Street. Bay terminates at Davenport Road. Turn left onto Davenport. When Davenport intersects with Bathurst, turn right, heading north (1.5 km). Third street on the left, turn left. Wychwood Barns is at the t-junction of Wychwood Avenue.
Review Committee / Comité de selection
Eldad Tsabary, Acting Chair (CEC / Concordia University)
Kevin Austin (Concordia University)
Christina Baade (McMaster University)
Natasha Barrett (Oslo)
David Berezan (MANTIS)
Nicolas Bernier (Université de Montréal)
Manuella Blackburn (Liverpool Hope University)
Myriam Bleau (Montréal)
Rose Bolton (Toronto)
Yves Daoust (Conservatoire de Montréal)
Louis Dufort (Conservatoire de Montréal)
Chantal Dumas (Montréal)
Arne Eigenfeldt (Simon Fraser University)
Ken Fields (University of Calgary)
Gilles Gobeil (CÉGEP de Drummondville)
Peter Hatch (Wilfried Laurier University)
Bentley Jarvis (OCAD University)
Emilie LeBel (Toronto)
Cort Lippe (University at Buffalo)
Gordon Monohan (Electric Eclectics)
Steven Naylor (Acadia University)
David Ogborn (McMaster University)
Shawn Pinchbeck (CEC / University of Birmingham)
Laurie Radford (CEC / University of Calgary)
Godfried-Willem Raes (Logos Foundation)
Scott Smallwood (University of Alberta)
Andrew Staniland (Memorial University)
D. Andrew Stewart (University of Lethbridge, AB)
Jessica Thompson (University of Waterloo)
Helen Thorington (New Radio & Performing Arts, Inc.)
Adam Tindale (OCAD University)
Jane Tingley (University of Waterloo)
Barry Truax (Simon Fraser University)
Doug Van Nort (York University)
Jamie Woollard (Montréal)
John Wynne (University of the Arts London)
Organising Committee / Comité d’organisation
Kevin Austin (Concordia University)
jef chippewa (Canadian Electroacoustic Community)
Darren Copeland (New Adventures in Sound Art)
Matthew Fava (Canadian Music Centre)
Nadene Thériault-Copeland (New Adventures in Sound Art)
Eldad Tsabary (CEC / Concordia University)
Links / Liens
TIES — Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium
NAISA — New Adventures in Sound Art
CEC — Communauté électroacoustique canadienne / Canadian Electroacoustic Community
CMC — Canadian Music Centre
Artscape Wychwood Barns
Sound Travels
Social top