Communauté électroacoustique canadienne
Canadian Electroacoustic Community
GM-500 — 1455, boulevard De Maisonneuve Ouest, Montréal, QC, H3G 1M8, Canada
http://cec.sonus.ca - cec@sonus.ca
  • Résidence: Bangor, Gwynedd, Pays de Galles, Royaume-Uni

[traduction française non disponible]

Andrew Lewis studied composition with Jonty Harrison at the Birmingham University (UK) and was one of the original members of BEAST (Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre). His output is predominantly acousmatic music, but he also composes for conventional forces (chamber, vocal, orchestral) with or without electronics. His music has won several prizes, awards and mentions (PRS, Bourges “Euphonie d’Or”, Stockholm Electronic Arts, Prix Ars Electronica, HEAR, Noroit, ARTS XXI Valencia, CIMESP). He is Professor of Music at Bangor University, where he heads composition studies and directs the work of the Electroacoustic Music Studios.

[CEC@DME21, 2015]

Liste d’œuvres

Page bio@CP-3577 générée par litk 0.600 le jeudi 22 septembre 2022. Conception: DIM.