Femmes en électroacoustique
Women In Electroacoustics
- ACWC — Association of Canadian Women Composers
- IAWM — International Alliance for Women in Music
- Studio Dragon (Montréal)
- Studio XXX (Montréal)
Situé à Montréal (Québec), Studio XX est un centre-ressource bilingue d’artistes professionnelles, d'universitaires, d'étudiantes et de “technos” engagées dans la mise en valeur de la place des femmes dans le cyberespace et dans l’exploration des multiples possibilités des technologies médiatiques numériques. Notre site www dévoile tout.
Based in Montreal, Quebec, Studio XX is a bilingual (English/French) collective of academics, artists, professionals, students and techies dedicated to the enhancement of women’s place in cyberspace and to the exploration of the multifaceted possibilities of digital media technologies. Our web site shows all. - WEALR — Women’s Electro-acoustic Listening Room
- WOW/EM! — Women On the Web/ElectronMedia (Dartmouth USA)
Compositrices et autres individus / Composers and Other Individuals
- Wende BARTLEY (Canada)
- Ginette BERTRAND (Canada)
- Hannah BOSMA (Netherlands)
- Kristine BURNS (USA)
- Chin-Chin CHEN (USA)
- Marcelle DESCHÊNES (Canada)
- Chantal DUMAS (Canada)
- Monique JEAN (Canada)
- Kathy KENNEDY (Canada)
- Anne LeBARON (USA)
- Elainie LILLIOS (USA)
- Sylvi macCORMAC (Canada)
- Andra McCARTNEY (Canada) Articles and abstracts of articles about gender, music and technology.
- Diana McINTOSH (Canada)
- Rosemary S. MOUNTAIN (Canada)
- Katherine NORMAN (UK)
- Pauline OLIVEROS (USA)
- Maggi PAYNE (USA)
- Claire PICHE (Canada)
- Sarah PEEBLES (Canada)
- Diane THOME (USA)
- Pascale TRUDEL (Canada)
- Annette VANDE GORNE (Belgium)
- Hildegard WESTERKAMP (Canada)
- Frances WHITE (USA)
- Pamela Z (USA)
Sources for Electroacoustic Music by Women
These websites feature extensive catalogues of recordings of electroacoustic music by women:
- Capstone Records
- Electronic Music Foundation
- CEC — Canadian Electroacoustic Community
- CDCM — Consortium to Distribute Computer Music
- Electronic Music Foundation
- Frogpeak Music: A Composers’ Collective
- Harvestworks TELLUS Recordings
- International Computer Music Association
- Ishtar Recordings and The DICE Project
- Lovely Music, Ltd.
- New World Records and the Composers’ Recordings Inc.
- O.O. Discs
- Pauline Oliveros Foundation
- Open Space
- SEAMUS — Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States
Soumettre un lien / Submit a Link
- Contact the CEC to suggest a link to add to our list. Please provide a short (max. 20 words) description of the site, as well as the full web address.
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