Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium 2007
Many of the papers from TES 2007 are (soon to be) published in eContact! 10.3 — Communautés / Communities (May 2008).
Faculty of Music, University of Toronto
9–10 August 2007
The Canadian Electroacoustic Community, the Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto and New Adventures in Sound Art are pleased to invite you to attend the 2007 Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium.
During the symposium composers and sound artists from Toronto, across Canada and the United States will discuss their work. Symposium sessions include “The Discipline of Electroacoustics”, “Interfaces and Environments”, “Soundscapes”, “Instruments and Installations” and “Live Electronics”.
The symposium will lead directly into the main performance weekend of the annual Sound Travels festival. Thanks to NAISA, Sound Travel composers-in-residence Barry Truax and Trevor Wishart will give keynote lectures at the symposium.
On August 9, the Canadian Music Centre will host a reception for symposium attendees at 16:00. In the same evening the group and the InterAccess media arts centre will host an open-mic night of electronic, live electronic and improvised music. All are welcome to attend and to make a performance contribution.
Symposium sessions are free and open to the public, but registration is required.
For more information, to register to attend the symposium, or to propose something for the open-mic night, contact the symposium chair, David Ogborn.
Symposium Committee:
David Ogborn (Canadian Electroacoustic Community), Chair
Dennis Patrick (University of Toronto)
Nadene Thériault-Copeland (New Adventures in Sound Art)
Schedules and Locations
- Paper Sessions: Thursday 9 Aug., 9:00–16:00; Friday 10 Aug., 9:00–16:30 in room 330 of the Edward Johnson Building, Faculty of Music, University of Toronto (directly adjacent to the Museum subway station). Full schedule
- Concert: Thursday 9 Aug., 21:00–00:00, at InterAccess Media Arts Centre, 9 Ossington Avenue
- Sound Travels Events
Symposium abstracts can be viewed online here.
Canadian Electroacoustic Community
University of Toronto, Faculty of Music
New Adventures in Sound Art
Canadian Music Centre
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