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INfØMUS Database Project
A few statistics on 'INfØMUS cen' as of July 1995

INfØMUS Database Project
A few statistics on 'INfØMUS opp' as of July 1995

There are 225 entries in the INfØMUS opportunities database.

We use around 35 of these entries for each Scratch. The electronic version manages as much as is available and is updated on a regular basis, which ensures accurate and up to date information. Furthermore, it saves trees and money!

INfØMUS Database Project
A few statistics on Scratch, the opportunities flyer

The following is an example of where Scratch 5 has been sent.

© CEC 1997, 98, 99
Dernière modification/last updated 98 xii Ian Chuprun & Yves Gigon

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