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INfØMUS Database Project

Second Year (Final) Report to the Canada Council for the Arts, May 1995

Managed by the CEC and coordinated by Nathalie Berger, the CCMN databases contain over 5000 entries, in Filemaker Pro 2.1 format which are fully bilingual, on people and events involved with contemporary music. The project has met its objective of creating a database of new music activities and for these past two years has distributed this information efficiently to the Canadian new music community.


Scratch is a bilingual new music opportunities flyer in 11"x17" flyer format published and distributed to the Canadian new music community

Roughly 800 composers in Canada received the second and third issues of àScratch and this number rose to 1500 copies for each of Scratch 4 and Scratch 5. This opportunities flyer has been very well received and a number of prominent Canadian composers have written letters of support urging the CCMN to continue its publication.


INfØMUS and Scratch have been put on the World Wide Web and are accessed via the Homepage of the Canadian Electroacoustic Community.

INfØMUS was used as a test model for Bruce Pennycook's Music Library of the Future, a part of the CANARIE information highway project.

The INfØMUS Calendar

From the outset of the INfØMUS project the INfØMUS Calendar has been suffering from a considerable lack of resources. The CCMN has continued to collect pertinent information for this aspect of the INfØMUS project, with the hope that eventually a calendar could be distributed, but the size of the project was considerably greater than its funding.

The Future of INfØMUS

The CCMN has not been able to secure funding for the continuation of this project. As a last attempt to keep this project going, the CCMN has written a letter/survey to the readers of Scratch with the intention of seeing if the project could be self-funding. We will not receive the results of this survey before autumn.

The INfØMUS Financial Report

The CEC operating and INfØMUS budgets are linked, as they share multiple resources. A final financial report will be submitted in July 95.

© CEC 1997, 98, 99 https://cec.sonus.ca
Dernière modification/last updated 98 xii Ian Chuprun & Yves Gigon

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