Matt Kober - A Trip To The Store
"A Trip To The Store" is loosely inspired by visits to convenience stores, in various states of inebriation. These are the sounds that would filter into my head while I stood in line at the 7-11. The piece was recorded in a single night in 3 parts. The bass, drum machine and television were all filtered through a digital sound processor that was being "played" in turn, to create a more shifting, active soundscape than would be achieved by transforming the sounds after recording them.
Andrew Rodger played the bass and changed the channels
Matthew Kober (Montréal 1974) is an avid and dedicated sound-nut. His recent work has explored music for dance, text/literature sound correlations, video art and activism and interactive sound/image structures for the web. His electroacoustic work has delved into radiophonics, soundscape, dub technique and social issues.
Matthew Kober
© Productions electro Productions (*PeP*) 1999
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