Thomas Gerwin - Wattenmeer-suite
In daily life we are permanently sorrounded by multiple sounds. To experience the acoustic environment as music, to recognize the inharent melodies, sound motions and rhythms is mainly a matter of perception. Composer Thomas Gerwin entered the unique environment of Niedersachsen's "Waddensea National Park" where he used several special microphones to pick up a trail of daily life environmental music: Beachlife at Cuxhaven, a "Labskaus" meal on the ship "Weser" ib Wilhelmshaven, various and multiple sounds from the island's railway on Langeoog, kite flying on the shore of Butjadingen, a ride on the boat through ice floes on the sea nearby Wilhelmshaven, a flock of sheep on the dike at Fedderwardersiel, crying seal babies at "Sealraising and Research Station" in Norddeich, the birds on a "salt meadow" at Horumersiel and wind energy weels at nearby Hooksiel. All this and more is represented, shaped and processed in TG.'s computer studio >inter art project<.The entire composition follows on the one hand the formal structure of a baroque "suite" where even each dance rhythm can be heard inside the environmental sound configurations. On the other hand it follows the circle of a day as well as the seasonal changes of a year. "Cinéma pour l'oreille" and at the same time electroacoustic "integral art" - forming reality by reflecting it.
"With this project I want to make the listener sensitive to the beauty and richness and also the vulnerability of our acoustic environment."
Thomas Gerwin (* 1955) is a classical educated composer and media artist. He is founder and head of media art studio inter art project and had performances and exhibitions in Europe, Asia, Canada, North and South America. He is active in acoustic ecology as Vice-President of Forum für Klanglandschaft (FKL) and Board Member of World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE). In 1999 he won "Karl-Sczuka-Förderpreis" by German Stately Radio SWR and was chosen to participate in the new CD "Sonic Circuit VII" by American Composer Forum.
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