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Michael Matthews - On the Outer Edge

On the Outer Edge

Le titre provient d'un poème de Fernando Pessoa. « Bright bugle of morning on the outer edge / Of the horizon's cold half circle, / Tenuous distant bugle like hazy flags / Unfurled beyond where colors are visible… » L'œuvre a été créée dans mon studio personnel à Winnipeg.

La musique de Michael Matthews a été présentée à travers le monde. En 2001, un enregistrement de ses œuvres Symphonie numéro 1 et Out of the Earth, dirigées par Virko Baley avec le Kiev Camerata Orchestra, est paru sur étiquette TNC Recordings. Sa dernière œuvre importante est un concerto pour violoncelle pour Arkadiusz Tesarczyk et l'Orchestre symphonique de Winnipeg.

The title is from a poem by Fernando Pessoa. "Bright bugle of morning on the outer edge / Of the horizon's cold half circle, / Tenuous distant bugle like hazy flags / Unfurled beyond where colors are visible…" The work was created in my home studio in Winnipeg.

Michael Matthews’ music has been performed in countries around the world. In 2001 a recording of his works Symphony No. 1 and Out of the Earth, conducted by Virko Baley with the Kiev Camerata Orchestra, was released by TNC Recordings. His latest major work is a cello concerto for Arkadiusz Tesarczyk and the Winnipeg Symphony.

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