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Community Reports / Des Communautés

Launched in eContact! 10.3 (May 2008), this eContact! column gives background and information on the activities in various international electroacoustic and related communities. The authors provide historical information, including important dates (founding of studios/universities), notable events and people, as well as present projects and future plans.

Two wiki pages in the CEC’s Wiki have been built to complement the column and to help answer questions that pop up from time to time, such as: “What is going on in ___?” or “Where can I check out some EA in ___?”. Your contributions to helping these “live” resource pages grow are welcome (see the contributor’s page).

If you are interested in contributing a Community Report for a future issue of eContact! please contact the Editors. Contributions to the Wiki pages are also always welcome.




Latin America


Middle East

Conseil des arts du CanadaFondation SOCAN

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